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Tag Kraanium

Kryptoxik Mortality – Interdimensional Calamitous Extirpation (Comatose Music)

2023 has been a busy year for this US brutal slam outfit with two EPs released earlier this year as the band concludes their year with this second full length that does not contain any songs from the said two… Continue Reading →

Cystectomy – Deprive To Hollowness (Comatose)

Slam has evolved so much in the time I’ve been a fan. I’ve witnessed the rise and fall and eventual amalgamation and borderline acceptance of Deathcore. I’ve seen Slam go from a silly little genre into a worldwide household Metal… Continue Reading →

NecroticGoreBeast – Human Deviance Galore (Comatose Music)

I’m known to some as the Slam King, probably for some good reason too, I love Slam. That said I can’t say it excites me like it used to, for a new Slam band to really hit me they have… Continue Reading →

Traumatomy – Extirpation Paradigms (Gore House Productions)

One thing I’ll never get bored of is Slam, even in my lowest Slam moments when I thought the whole genre had gone to shit I would still put on Devourment, Kraanium and all the classics that I love. I… Continue Reading →

Kraanium – Slamchosis (Comatose Music)

I’ve talked about Slam and my love for it so many times on here you readers are probably sick of it. Is that going to stop me however? Absolutely not. Since the end of my high school days I have… Continue Reading →

Abhorrent Deformity – Entity Of Malevolence (Comatose Music)

Hailing from North Carolina and forming in 2013, Abhorrent Deformity are the latest of a series of explosive sounding brutal death metal bands who are cropping up and making waves with their relentless and uncompromising approach. Consisting of members who… Continue Reading →

Kraanium – Chronicles of Perversion (Comatose)

It’s safe to say that after the brilliance that was their 2012 release Post Mortal Coital Fixation, Norwegian/ UK slam kings Kraanium had set themselves a hard act to follow. However, three years later Chronicles of Perversion proves that this… Continue Reading →

Kraanium, Crepitation, Splattered, Visions Of Disfigurement, Operation Cunt Destroyer – Manchester, Star And Garter 26/8/15

Without doubt one of the most brutal line ups I’ve been in recent years as a healthy mid week crowd crammed themselves into the virtually tropical ambience of the Star And Garter. The lengths that metal fans go to see… Continue Reading →

Slam Fest – Bristol Bierkeller 24/5/15

You’re pretty much guaranteed to have a brilliant time going to a gig on a bank holiday Sunday. Everyone’s spirits have been given a boost with the weekend being extended and heading to the bar to make the most of… Continue Reading →

Engorgement – Excruciating Intestinal Lacerations (Comatose Music)

Ah what a lovely cover, if the artwork was scratch and sniff it would no doubt reek of offal. The ladies with all their bits displayed in a bathroom have been hanging around there literally for a while by the… Continue Reading →

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