Abhorrent-Deformity-Entity-of-Malevolence-Hailing from North Carolina and forming in 2013, Abhorrent Deformity are the latest of a series of explosive sounding brutal death metal bands who are cropping up and making waves with their relentless and uncompromising approach. Consisting of members who have plied their trade with Kraanium and Labyrinthe, the four piece released a promo last year and now, in partnership with Comatose Music, they are set to unleash their first full length release. Let’s see how malevolent this entity is.

From the off, you know this is going to be intense. The terrifying wall of noise which explodes to life on the opening track “Crown Of Worms” sets the tone for the rest of the album and it does not disappoint. Frantic pace, chaotic, crushingly heavy and relentless, the opening track grabs you by the neck and doesn’t let go as it pummels you into submission with the precise and powerfully delivered brutality. Blasts from the drums, coupled with dynamic harsh vocals which go from snarled to guttural growls with no fuss are accompanied by thunderous bass and crushing guitars and it just doesn’t give up there.

“Manifested Filth” brings some furious death metal grooves similar to that of Apophys and Prostitute disfigurement whilst “Skeleton Carver” breaks out some colossal slam styled riffs when it isn’t going full pelt with enough speed to even give Corpsegrinder some trouble when he windmills like a demon. Most of the album follows suit with this style. All the tracks have their crushingly heavy slam sections, furious blast sections and copious amounts of filthy death metal groove which just brings anger and intensity to the front. Whilst some may see this as detrimental and predictable, the whole point of brutal death metal, to me anyway, is to find something which works. Find that something which hits hard and doesn’t give up until by the end of the album you’re lying there wishing it didn’t inflict it on you again… And then you go for round two with it.

The real stand out track however is the title track, “Entity Of Malevolence”. Like most of the album, it hits hard from the off with furious pace and sound but the big guttural growl which signals the end of the first verse just ignites this highly combustible powder keg. The explosion of brutality is unbelievable. Crushingly heavy and treading the fine line between pounding groove and slam, it holds steady until it explodes to life for a frantic sounding section which retains the ferocity of the slower groove sections .

Overall, this is an extremely promising debut offering. It’s brutal death metal which actually makes you sit up and take notice whilst it tries to cave your skull in with a massive sonic sledgehammer. Highly controlled chaos delivered with terrifying intensity and precision, “Entity Of Malevolence” is a stunning album and I will say it is up there in the best death metal releases of this year. Seriously, get this album, my words can only scratch the surface of how great Abhorrent Deformity really are.

(9/10 Fraggle)
