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Author Sotiris Zikas

Khirki – Eightball Club, Thessalonki 20/4/24

I had heard a lot about this band. Everyone who mentioned them to me kept saying, “You have to listen to them; they are very unique.” I also heard that they were considered the next big thing in Greece. So,… Continue Reading →

Carpathian Forest, Order Of The Ebon Hand – Eightball Club, Thessaloniki 11/4/24

The announcement of this concert had hit like a bomb. It was a long-awaited event for the city, as the last time they visited the country, 20 years ago, the concert in Thessaloniki had been cancelled at the last minute…. Continue Reading →

Green Lung, Saturday Night Satan – Mylos Club, Thessaloniki, 22.3.2024

Five years had already passed since Green Lung’s last and first visit to Thessaloniki, back when the band was simply promising. Since then, a considerable amount of time had gone by, marked by heavy contracts with record labels and companies,… Continue Reading →

Sextrash, Outlaw, Freefall & End Of Dawn – Eightball Club, Thessaloniki 17/2/24

Seeing a band live from Brazil is never disappointing. Especially two. In this case, you wouldn’t miss it. That night, along with the entire tour that Sextrash and Outlaw did in Europe, was something that no one should have missed…. Continue Reading →

Therion & Silent Wedding – Principal Club Theatre, Thessaloniki 11/2/24

It was Sunday, on a weekend after a thunderous Varathron concert where our bodies still ached. This Therion concert was supposed to take place in the same venue, but due to either ticket sales or the large band, it was… Continue Reading →

Varathron, Deviser & Exilium Noctis – Eightball Club, Thessaloniki 10/2/24

Another concert that I eagerly anticipated from the moment it was announced was a legendary presence of two of the most important bands in the “Hellenic” Black Metal scene, who would share the same stage. Firstly, we’re talking about Varathron,… Continue Reading →

Primordial & March To Die – Eightball Club, Thessaloniki 2/2/24

For a long time, I’ve been waiting for February to come. There was only one reason: concerts. Many metal concerts. In February, every week there was something special happening in Thessaloniki. On February 2nd, once again, Primordial appeared on the… Continue Reading →

Paradise Lost, On Thorns I Lay – Principal Club Theater, Thessaloniki 9.12.2023

I was eagerly anticipating this concert, not only because it marked the 20th anniversary of “Icon,” but mostly because I would finally see Paradise Lost after years of listening to them. I’ve seen Nick Holmes before as the frontman of… Continue Reading →

Bewitched, Convicted, Necrochakal – Eightball Club, Thessaloniki 20/10/23

The performance of “Bewitched” in Thessaloniki was one of the most highly anticipated concerts in the city. Following their explosive show in Athens last year, Krisis Productions had announced a unique additional appearance of Bewitched in Greece. It’s important to… Continue Reading →

Akhlys & Nihilism – Eightballclub, SKG, Greece 20/9/23

The first visit of “Akhlys” to Thessaloniki was definitely a very big surprise. It became even more unique when Nihilism were announced to open the concert. Without a doubt “Akhlys” released one of the darkest and horrifying albums of the… Continue Reading →

Amon Amarth, Kreator, Heaven Shall Burn, Bleed From Within – Release Festival, Athens, Greece 28/6/23

It was a Wednesday and after a long road trip from the northern part of Greece I arrived at Release Athens Festival around 16:30, quite early so the gates hadn’t opened yet. Release fest is a very diverse one, hosting… Continue Reading →

Mystifier & Swamp – 8Ball Club, Thessaloniki, Greece 23/6/23

It was a very hot night in the centre of Thessaloniki, to herald the first appearance of Mystifier in Greece.  I arrived at the “8ball club” just before the first band came on stage. The venue was not overcrowded and… Continue Reading →

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