This is one review I will keep short as the record in question is a short mix of death and some black metal clocking in at just over 20 mins. Cerulean, hailing from Arizona and California released Carrion Angel last year independently but since then it has been picked up by I, Voidhanger.

Though, another reason I’ll keep this short is the fact none of the five tracks on this record stood out for me. I’d find it unfair to call it a failure as it takes time and effort to produce any kind of release, but this one was mediocre at best.

Maybe there was something I missed, and some keen follower of the band can tell me otherwise, but there was nothing within these five tracks that made my nerves tingle or my ears feel they were being fed something fascinating. If you are one who loves stories of gore and blood soaked horror featuring birds of prey and slowly rotting corpses, then this might be something you’d consider adding to your collection.

I guess this falls down to Cerulean being fairly new to the USDM world and hopefully they will make something more impressive in the future, but for me, Carrion Angel was your typical mix of energetic and chugging death metal with all the relevant blast beats, growls and pestilence influenced lyrics one would expect.

There’s definitely potential for this band but this might just be their first outing which is rocky as they might not have found their footing just yet so I wish them all the best for the future.

(4.5/10 Demitri Levantis)