Canada is one of the biggest nations of the world and with that comes the vast diversity of many ethnic groups such as the native tribes who predated its colonisation, but also the French Canadian contingent which is almost a nation in itself.

As we have seen over the decades how diverse the United States metal sound is across its ever-varying geography, Canada is no difference. And hailing from Quebec City is French band Délétère who have landed their third release: “Songes D’une Nuit Souillee.”

The title translates to “Dreams of a Dirty Night” which would indicate something sleazy or even pornographic, but there does not appear to be any sexual content in the eight tracks that populate this 43-minute sojourn into the unknown.

Darkness and pestilence are the overbearing vibes and themes of this release and the hefty usage of machine gun blast beats perpetuate the idea of an everlasting avalanche of brimstone, making you feel you’ve experienced all levels of hell in one sitting.

Vocal wise, the songs are delightfully indecipherable which would suit anyone who loves black metal that can only be understood after a keen time commitment, which I feel these guys were aiming for. Délétère is not a band to listen to on-the-go as I found out while trying to pass the time on a delayed bus journey – so make sure you sit down to get the full blast of this beautifully putrid release.

Another thing that made it score well for me was the hypnotic strings and bass arrangements that make you feel like you’re in a trance. This is something that solidified my love for black metal many moons ago so this was good to be reminded of it by a band I’d never listen to until now.

If you enjoy the Canadian sound but want to get past the more melodic likes of Woods of Ypres or Crystal Coffin, check out Délétère for something wholly morose and enticing.

(7.5/10 Demitri Levantis)