There are a number of aspects that strike you about this third release from US death metal act Dead And Dripping, a solo project that is the sole brainchild of the exceptionally talented Evan Daniele. Firstly the logo, which I spent some time trying to decipher the actual words of the band from it and think I managed it. Secondly is the garish cover art (by Jason Wayne Barnett) that comprises a nightmarish, disturbing scene and finally the epic song titles which tell a little story in themselves. Added to that the production and mix is absolutely crushing and whilst there are tendencies for certain parts of the instrumentation in a solo project to flounder Evan has ensured that everything is balanced, no individual element is lost, no instrument wavers in playing ability, in fact he has nailed it in every department.

‘Tragic Ascent Of Absurdity’s Pale Moon’ is the opener and brutal gutturally dense sound crafts a track of spiralling tormented horror as the blast beat section produces an onslaught amidst the exceptionally low vocal tone I really like about this release. They have a vomitous quality with some gradations from deep resonating bellows to weird frog like ribbits (the only way I can describe it) as the opener’s chaotic maelstrom of riffs is blended to hideous sonic deformity. ‘Humanoid Statues Parading Condescending Gestures’ is the follower and that chaotic stature continues but within a highly controlled environment as Evan’s technical prowess is astounding at times. Linking the brutality to gymnastic fret workouts is nothing new in the genre but when you get the balance right so that the song isn’t just one blurring onslaught then the listening experience is phenomenally effective, as this is of course.

Every track here has something to write about as ‘Aural Interference With Uncanny Subconscious Frequencies’ continues the album with a song offering contorted complexity replete with a dark, ominous aura instilled through the riffing but also the cavernous vocals and suffocating density. At nearly eight minutes ‘Infinitely Plummeting Into Violet Portals Of Delusion’ which I thought was a reference to the colour scheme used on the cover art, but could be mistaken. With such a longer duration the song allows itself to unfold as the cacophonous drum work slams into you without ceremony as fans of acts like Deeds Of Flesh will appreciate what is going on here. The saturation of riffing flows like corrosive sludge, each gradual shift is accompanied by tempo switches as the vocals have a lingering inhumanity that permeates not just this tune but the whole release.

Even the brief interlude piece ‘Hopeless Desire For Reprieve’ maintains the intensity before ‘Meticulously Unravelling The Serpentine Consciousness’ rears it grotesque head with thunderous drum work and space fracturing riffage all set against that controlled dissonant styling. The bludgeoning continues on ‘Kaleidoscopic Visions Of Porous Obsidian Eternities’, a title I attempted to understand but failed except that it too could relate to the cover art as the tornadic riffing is melded to the whirlwind drum work and gnarly vocals.

The closing doublet starts with excellent title of ‘Molecular Degradation Upon Warped Onyx Stoves’, no matter what the hell it is about, where a short rumble signals the bombardment and a tsunami of bass teems from the track’s portentous mood. As the technical flurries abound the song increases in speed as once again the variations in tempo switch around continuously leaving ‘Hysterical Mirages Of Otherworldly Calamity’ to conclude the album. Another facet you notice about this album is the bass work as whilst I’ve referenced it as the metaphor of a tsunami it too swarms with technical adroitness comprising what I refer to as twangs but also a slap like styling that pinpoints its place in the mix exceptionally well. The closer has a writhing approach too as the riffing annihilation allows them to crawl over each other like a thousand vipers, spitting and biting with venomous violence. I mentioned inhumanity earlier and that is wholly manifest on the closer as the song dives into a chaotic miasmic assault with a repeating approach that is hypnotic and ruthlessly delivered.

An exceptional third album from Dead And Dripping, one for technical brutal death fans as this is as uncompromisingly brutal as it is technically incisive.

(8.5/10 Martin Harris)