One thing that has kept me most intrigued by metal in all the years I have enjoyed it is learning about the many different scenes from nations one would not expect to have a metal or even alternative scene due to its history or culture. Turkey is one of these given the religious and conservative nature of the state and how progress has become questionable in terms of its politics and social justices over the decades.

But, if studying such nations has taught me anything, a cultural/political status like the one I just mentioned is actually a fertile breeding ground for some of the darkest and most evil alternative music as a reaction to the status quo that has oppressed many a person for decades.

By this, I refer to Serpent of Old, the Turkish band fusing black and death metal in a manner that covers many philosophical and religious themes as well as outright satanism that would bring the blasphemy police running. Serpent of Old have exploded onto the international metal circuit with their debut, Ensemble Under the Dark Sun, which presents just how anyone from anywhere in the world can master the art of extreme metal in its most impressive manner.

When listening to this, I felt like I was listening to something I’d expect from Greece or Germany, but knowing this band comes from a nation whose metal scene is still obscure to the wider zeitgeist, the decency level was high enough to make me vision Serpent of Old as the influence on many Turkish bands in years to come.

Musicianship wise, there’s much to be impressed about with the technicalities showcased in strings and percussion, as well as the beautifully indecipherable vocals that would not have looked out of place on a Deviser record. As someone who has a keen interest in the Balkans and the former Ottoman Empire owing to my heritage, Serpent of Old are a band one must keep aware of in understanding the evolution and mindset of the Turkish music scene as all music can reflect just how a nation like Turkey has changed over the last century.

Ensemble Under the Dark Sun is 42 minutes of blackened death metal that will open the floodgates of talent that will soon be spilling into the European metal scene and beyond as Turkey now has its chance to showcase its heaviest of musical talent. In recent years we had gothic bands like She Past Away represent the Turkish talent and now Serpent of Old are taking the metal talent of their land to a new level. Pick up this album if you want to see just how these Turks mean business and I wish them all the best for the years to come.

(7/10 Demitri Levantis)