Vicenza based Lovecraft inspired Doom duo Domenico Groppo and Roberto Biasin are collectively known as Starspawn of Cthulhu. Since 2020 the pair have been traversing their own path of eldritch horror and this year sees the release of their latest EP through Talheim Records Germany, entitled ‘The Cursed Vision’.

Right from the outset of opening track ‘Iranon’ I know this EP isn’t going to be doom laden enough for me. There is a huge gaping hole where and intensity should be. The riffs are clunky and standard, the drums basic and neglected in the creative process. There feels like something is perpetually missing from this EP, like the sound has been hollowed out and only the bare bones of what a Doom release should sound like has been left over.

Take out the occasional acoustic interlude and violin foray and you are left with a very ordinary sounding release, and not to mince my words but this EP sounds like what it is; two guys in a bedroom recording some music because they can, and not because they should. The vocals lack any power or charisma, the melodies are phoned in and the whole release from start to finish feels laboured and half-hearted.

I understand the desire to emulate your musical heroes, but this falls well short of what Traditional Doom Metal should sound like. No passion, no flavour, no creativity and no way I’ll ever listen to it again!

(2/10 Marksson)