Seventeen minutes of deathgrind. I did think of trying to keep this review to seventeen lines or writing it in seventeen minutes to show the same level of discipline but, alas I’m old and slow.

The title track opens it up like an angle grinder to a recalcitrant safe; nice ripping death-based grind with a little topping of discordant techy melody to its minute length. ‘Wrinkles’ is a little more considered but rises up with a great bottom end surge and some great vocals blending that death and grind neatly. It’s a groovy kind of sound too. ‘Trolls’ is a short sharp beast that genuinely reminds me of early Strapping Young Lad with its frantic assault whereas ‘Luddites’ is more akin to groovy but still brutal, guttural death.

The production is quite sparky too – there’s a definite modern air to it and it brings out the tech edge that is thankfully kept at bay by the grind most of the time, though you do get the odd bit of noodling…

It kind of seems like it builds up speed as an EP, a head of steam. Little shards of eccentricity stab out in the guitar breaks and animal squeals. Its genuinely neat stuff. Fast, slightly quirky breakdowns, leads that dance between tech, trad and a jazzy feel.

Yeah. Nice and nostril clearing….

(7.5/10 Gizmo)