Once upon a time I would only really care for Black Metal in the winter. Then again when I refer to such instances I was a teenager, living at home, travelling to gigs on my own etc and because of this I had more time to just pop some headphones in and go with some Black Metal in the cold and pretend I was all edgy and grim. Nowadays I could care less what the time of year is, if it clicks it clicks, however you really can’t beat a snowy walk and some early Darkthrone.

Hailing from Sweden the band Ofermod have had their fair share of turmoil but generally remained consistent with their output since their 2008 debut record Tiamtü. With a keen focus on occultism and ritualistic stylings they make for prime Black Metal fodder. Personally, I’m a big fan of Black Metal bands leaning into the whole ‘Satanic’ thematic delivery, for me it just suits the whole package from tone to stage. Today we focus on the Shadow Records released, landmark fifth full length from Ofermod, Mysterium Iniquitatis.

The opening riffs of the titular track instantly threw me back to Freezing Moon by Black Metal genre icons Mayhem. In a way it made me roll my eyes, but in another sense I just couldn’t help but enjoy the frostbitten tones a little bit. As the track progressed it retained a basic yet brilliant structure. Plenty of memorability and classic nods, going into Inax Ya Lil I was comforted by the Nergal-like vocals. If you’re the kind to dismiss Behemoth then naturally I will excuse you and my apologise to Ofermod if they should show distain at being compared to a more mainstream icon. For me though I adore Behemoth and the sort of preaching, yet harsh vocals are a total winner with me. Continuing the rituals is the anthemic When The Blacksmith Killed The Shepherd which is just huge, dare I say AOBM, Arena Oriented Black Metal.

It becomes apparent in the second half of the record that the longer songs are surely the backbone of the release. Poraios De Rejectis is a particularly massive display of Black Metal might, nothing is too complex really but it’s very well constructed and enjoyable music, the kind that fills you with Satanic energy. Keeping this flow going is Consecration another Orthodox Black Metal power slab. It totally oozes The Satanist vibes and no matter how ‘false’ that might be it’s a winner in my books. All of this is summed up in Loyal To Belial, the albums epic closure, an overall outstanding performance all round.

It’s worth bearing in mind that this isn’t an album of technical excellence, nor is it sloppy and Punk with a sort of snotty teenage distain. No, this is simply put a well-rounded Black Metal release. However, it’s just different enough to make it a stand out, when I think of good, solid Black Metal this is exactly the kind of release that springs to mind. So, if you’re looking for the soundtrack to your latest sacrificial rite then it’s right here.

(9/10 George Caley)

