I’m sure most of us reading Ave Noctum spend a lot of our time listening to some of the most brutal and extreme music out there, but if we are honest, we will also listen to something a little different from time to time. Personally, I’m partial to a bit of Nordic or neofolk and it is this that led me to Osi and the Jupiter a few years ago.

Although their style has evolved over the first three albums, and this continues on ‘Stave’, they remain true to their blueprint and their music is immediately recognisable. Sure, there are big chunks of Nordic and neofolk but there is something a little different to their sound. Perhaps the vocals are a little cleaner and distinctive, perhaps the atmosphere is a little more immersive, perhaps the minimal instrumentation is a little more expressive. Whatever it is, there Osi and the Jupiter manage to capture something unique.

On ‘Stave’, Osi and the Jupiter explore two distinct styles. Half of the songs, are sombre, ominous instrumentals (albeit with subtle vocal chants buried deep in the mix adding extra texture) whereas the other half have clean vocals and a more upbeat feel. These tracks have a sense of purity in their simplicity but there is also an undercurrent of melancholy. This juxtaposition of styles works well, each symbiotically enhancing the impact of the other as the album flows by.

The penultimate track, ‘Appalachia’ has previously been released on an EP of the same name, and is a stand out track here. The vocals have a country twang and a deep-seated sense of yearning and it fits really well on this album. The final track is a cover version The Moody Blues’ track ‘Knights in White Satin’. I’m sure everyone reading will be familiar with that track, and it was interesting to hear Osi and the Jupiter translate this into their own indomitable style.

While this is not usual Ave Noctum material, I’m sure it is something that most will enjoy during a more pensive or reflective moment. If you are in need if something different, give it a go.

(8/10 Andy Pountney)

