A band that need no introduction, Amenra are without a doubt one of the most explosive and prolific bands in modern metal. The excitement surrounding each new release is momentous and latest opus ‘De Doorn’ (the thorn) is no exception. While previous releases ‘Mass I’ all the way through to ‘Mass VI’ have been crushing slabs of emotional catharsis, ‘De Doorn’ sees a shift away from this pattern as Amenra usher in the new – new album title, new record label, new concept. At its core this record is a performative piece of art that doesn’t follow the conventional blueprint of its predecessors.

There’s more fluidity, a sense that the band have taken liberties with their creative freedoms. Softer moments are more frequent, serving to amplify the heavier outbursts making them seem all the more ferocious and visceral. Vocalist Colin H. Van Eeckhout’s vocal range explodes from softly sung whispers to animalistic howls with faultless precision. On record this is the closest a listener is ever likely to get of experiencing Amenra live without actually having to go to a show – an impressive feat to be able to achieve this with a studio recording.

Ultimately, while it may be all change for Amenra, all of the reasons to love the band are still present and it’s still immediately recognizable as their signature sound. As a band who are celebrated for pushing boundaries this is one of their most experimental outputs to date and testament to the band’s unshakable ability to continue to craft out of the ordinary and surprise their fans. Truly, Amenra are unlike any other band and continue to prove with this album the magic that sets them apart from everyone else. Not quite a masterpiece, but as pretty damn close as you can get.

(9/10 Angela Davey)

