The Polish she-wolves that are Louve (all instruments) and Nidhogg (vocals) and this time with Vor on drums are back. Having knocked out a couple of releases in 2020 they are working fast and hard to bring us more music even if at just under the half hour mark, their 3rd release is fairly short. As expected though it is no less sharp and fiery than previously. There is a real spark about this act and it makes their music urgent and compulsive listening.

A quick look at translation tools shows what side they are aligned to as they batter into the first number ‘Nienawidzę Jezusa Chrystusa’ and unsurprisingly they ‘hate Jesus Christ’ which if they are going to rise in popularity will no doubt cause them problems further down the line. I’m sure Nergal can give them some tips on what to expect on that front though. This is suitably raw and uncompromising with an air of DIY and punk abrasiveness about it. Vocals are rasped out and there’s a groove laden guitar sound furrowing over the battering drum-work. Some echoing near whispered lines and shrill cries and vomits are retched out and there’s no mucking about before the song is done with and the next ‘Sic Luceat Lux’ brings forth the darkness and is fired out the trap. There’s a neat grinding melody here and although its all pretty basic stuff perhaps the addition of Vor taking up drumming has allowed a bit of extra looseness to preside over things and inject some more rhythm into the songs.

The title track has both grimness and gloominess about it at first until going absolutely feral and tearing away at savage speed before then going doom laden and eerie due to pace and the rasping torturous vocals. There’s plenty of atmosphere about it and the thorny glistening guitar and spoken word parts and clean harmony of Roman Kostrzewski the veteran lead vocalist of Kat adds yet more intrigue and mystery on ‘Jeszcze zemści się ziemia’ I’m guessing that with their inclusion this is a cautionary tale ‘The Earth Will Take Revenge.’ Roman’s vocals are a standout here which makes me want to go back and explore his past distinguished career, I am sure he is a distinguished figure in the Polish underground even if not so well known outside it. Satanic curses are spat out upon the Black Altar of ‘Czarny ołtarz,’ Nidhogg’s performance becoming ever more deranged and unhinged. He is however allowed a break after this somewhat foul communion as the last number is a fairly lengthy but no less formidable instrumental piece.

So, a good dose of bilious blasphemy here from the ever strange and curious kult of Wilczyca. Seems like they have no shortage of ideas and I shall be looking forward to whatever comes next on their continuing journey into darkness

(7.5/10 Pete Woods)