This band came to me initially via their split with Traveler and an online music platform. This is their first full length release.  The band have been quoted as refusing to re-invent the heavy metal wheel and fuse tried and tested ideas with typical countries of influence being the UK and Germany, in the 80’s.

I have to admit, it takes a few listens for this album to get going. But once it does, and once you have multiple listens, you get in line with the release. A track like ‘Firewings’ is upbeat and feels good, the question is more a matter for me of what you may come to expect. Overall, the vocal register is lower that some artists in this field, once you get to that point, it all fits. The guitar solo to ‘Forewings’ is awesome by the way! ‘Reflector’ both vocally and stylistically sounds like recent Steve Grimmett’s Grim Reaper material. The tone similar, the vibrancy of a similar vein also. ‘The Hammer’ accelerates through the gears like classic Accept material, say ‘Metal Heart’ era, there’s a fair bit of melodic undertones present. This actually works great, leading to a memorable vocal hook. These hooks are plentiful during ‘Bullet Train’, again of the same style are the former track mentioned.

Overall, a decent release, very entertaining, but doesn’t have instant gratification, you may need some time with the album. Musically, its solid, there is some flashes of great guitar work and the melody is nice and consistent. They do it in a less glamourous more earthy way than some of their peers, but make no mistake, Coronary know who they are and produce music in a style they love.

(7/10 Paul Maddison)