Sometimes you to just have to sit back and submerge yourself in an album, just let it flood over you no matter what genre it comes from, which is what I did with this Polish band’s debut full length that was released in the summer of 2020. With a couple of EPs prior to this to ground the bands style this album is an unmitigated, emotionless onslaught of proper death metal with a production that is utterly seismic in nature. With the album being book ended by an intro and outro the eight tracks sandwiched in between are obliterating and inhuman in their bludgeoning prowess, yet still inherently melodic.

After the intro piece ‘Ad Hominem’ which acts like an ignition switch to the album, the title track follows and immediately you are thrust into a swirling maelstrom of grind like riffing coupled to an insane blast beat speed. That speed is unrelenting for most of the album, where each high velocity section is bonded to more catchy elements. Rabid and frenzied ‘Into The Void’ follows with a cool bass and drum initiation linking in a fine and surprisingly prolonged lead break. There are no weak tunes here every one saturated in certifiable homicidal hostility as I particularly liked the grinding mayhem of ‘To The Pyre’ The hyper speed double kick work is unreal adding massive impact as the song is bolted to ‘Let Them Fall’. The fine riff break after the opening sequence is gutting especially when that demented blast speed is injected.

Slowing down a fraction is ‘Only Hatred Remains’ packing a punch with opaque intensity as this tune had me thinking about early Hate Eternal for sheer outright speed when it appears. A dramatic opening phase starts ‘The Curse’ with drum fill insertions leading into double bass bombing. At times super dense the song hurls out its inexorable brutality with aplomb as ‘There Is Nothing’ concludes the main tracks on the album. Being far slower the song possesses an asphyxiating cloying aura though the inevitable explosion of speed is always expected but no less impacting when it arrives. With the outro ‘Ad Mortem’ being the perfect title to end this album, anyone who listens to this staggeringly good release will indeed but hurtling themselves towards their own demise.

(9/10 Martin Harris)