So, with that name, that label, that title and a cover of a heavily armed goat demon seemingly using Jesus’ head as a codpiece, anyone want to hazard a guess at what we’re seemingly here?

Yep neo-folk…

Just kidding. This is noisy, bestial, brutal Satanic death metal. Straight down the line. From the opening assault of ‘Impaled Human Scum’ with short barked vocals, a chunky riff and a full on drum battery it does what that cover promises. Breakdowns, mid-tempo chug and the spikey production toss in a little flavour and there it is. Second track ‘Genocide Ceremony (Congregation Ablazed) is pretty much a second wave; a bit more drilling down into the fast riff, a little more off the leash though there’s nothing sloppy here. Just the right balance of chaos and drive.

‘Human Sacrifice (Pig Messiah Decapitated)’ begins a lot slower, deep vocals and menacing riff style before exploding into a shrapnel storm or whirling riffs and battery. ‘Iron Bloodlust Inflamed’ is another straight ahead brutal rager, hammer blow drum and riff dominating, ripping vocals, the works. There’s a nice deep heat provided by the rhythm section, keeping this firmly in the muck. All the better for it I say. Closer ‘Antichrist Offensive’ Just rounds it off with a neat riff and repeated blows to the skull before they wander off in search of fresh meat.

All in all, this is exactly what you’d expect, and hope. Brutal, efficient, that little flavour of chaos leaking out to kill any hint of sterile technicality. At around 18 minutes it’s a perfect length too.

Filthy, heavy riffing, beast machine. Unsubtle, no surprises but delivered with attitude and style. Not bad at all.

(6.5/10 Gizmo)