Ok before I start, Old Growth should be a great name for a nature obsessed black metal band but my stupid brain keeps conjuring images of hairy warts, bunions and manky blebs on delicate parts. Sigh….I hate my brain….

Ok, this is a one man project by Animist, debut I believe but from parts unknown (though a little hunting says Germany) and history unwritten. ‘Old Growth’ begins in deep, melodic and sedate manner; a lilting, dark melody that gives way to a full on riff. It is with the vocals somewhat close to that Wolves In The Throne Room/Cascadian style; a dense melody woven through a compelling riff that spills out into dark but calm moments, the small glade deep in the forest. It is a nice sound, a well delivered track that certainly lays out their wares from the off.

‘Oakenheart’ though opening with cold winds across some open and bleak land, brings in a warm guitar, slowly picked, before the trolling melody echoes over the top and we plunge headfirst into the kind of journey Winterfylleth have trailblazed so masterfully. It has that misty countryside sense, that driving sound. It is perhaps a little more mellow, kind of Saor without the Caledonian blood, but again it is a lovely song, beautifully presented.

This is how the album goes, then. Six tracks of seven to ten minutes in length, one shorter interlude. All lovingly crafted and played. The production is pretty fine too; not fussy, but clear. In fact, the only problem I have with this release at all is that, at the moment it sounds and feels like the sum of its influences at present. They mostly follow the same path and sound, something that is a fine blend of part WITTR and part Winterfylleth and Saor but whilst pleasant and as I say with a real feel for their craft to make them diverting, the individual personality is still growing here. No one this good will not achieve that but at present it is good attractive and thoughtful music that I am sure will blossom further. Seriously give it a listen though, there is something growing here that needs to be encouraged.

(6.5/10 Gizmo)

