Here’s a thing. Fungi based ambient? Well this EP is the debut from a project by Conchuir O’Drona of From The Bogs Of Aughiska, now located outside of the Brexshit zone to the relative calm of Sweden.

Not being up in the geographical distribution of fungi (I’m not being facetious, all the track titles relate to fungi in some aspect) I am unsure if he is missing the flora of his homeland, but the music presented here is most definitely of the quiet and calm kind.

We get five passages in around twenty minutes that expertly and most carefully bring to mind the quiet of the forest; the general stillness with the clarity of trickling streams and perhaps, just perhaps, the whisper of movement in the undergrowth. I wouldn’t even call this dark ambient; more contemplative. With what may be field recordings we get simple, meditative keyboards stepping on a slow and gentle path. Sounds move around the melody, neither causing disturbance as they drift around each other in ethereal fashion.

This is not a journey; more moments of a landscape carefully captured so as not to intrude. Hidden corners as though seen through the eyes of the inhabitants rather than the intruder.

It is quite lovely. It lulls you into simply stopping, pausing the storm around you and taking in the small, still things. No bad thing at all in this world.

(7.5/10 Gizmo)