One look at the line up within this new Spanish technical death metal act and you see a wealth of experience honed to slaughterous surgical perfection within the bludgeoning realms of Arthropodal Humanicide, Ineffable Demise, Avgrunn and Fall Of Mankind to name a few. This short three track EP offers a taste of the kind of sonic butchery that marries the gymnastic trickery of technical musicianship with outright head caving annihilation but still has melody that you don’t often hear within the genre.

Opening with an atmospheric sample complete with demonic voice ‘Cult Of Supreme Blasphemy’ is an onslaught of obliterating blasted prowess where the riffs are hurled out like missiles, backed up the machine gun drum work of Roman whose adroit technical skill is akin to Flo Mounier (Cryptopsy). Indeed Cryptopsy is where this band is easily referenced as the continually morphing tempo dynamics ensures the listener is never left with any riff for longer than about five seconds but in a good way.

Another brief sample initiates ‘Dragged By The Cross’ as the anti-religious sentiment continues but here the song channels its brutality into a more groove based posture with some Suffocation like grisliness though don’t misinterpret me here, the track is still dementedly frenetic as the hyper blasted insanity still runs rabidly through the track, especially vocally as Jordi who has the larynx of some mythical beast at times such is his cavernous tone at times.

Closing the EP is ‘Scapulars Of Human Decay’ as the slightly longer sample opens with a church like backing before the song erupts with a very Cryptopsy like explosive start. The opening here is colossal and utterly devastating as Jordi’s vocals take on a tone similar to Sven in Aborted as the music diverts into a catchy riff but still maintaining the speed. The abrupt massive change is super cool with a stop-start riff change that really claws you in before unleashing a dazzling array of hooks that this band just seem to deluge the listener with. As the song drops into the dense pulverising section a brief lead ensues that segments the track before it plummets into a blurring gravity blasted maelstrom in its finale.

As virulent, ruthless and murderous as one could possibly get Slit Your Gods debut EP is destructive, lethal and utterly deranged.

(8/10 Martin Harris)