You’ve got to be pretty bold to set out and just go ‘Black Metal Opera’, I mean it sounds great to me and when you think of the likes of Dimmu Borgir or Totengeflüster you can see that sort of massive Symphonic sound paying off. However, it can come across as a little over the top, again not an issue for me but there is some fine tuning to be had. None the less it’s pretty fun music (albeit Blackened), probably not what most bands are going for but it’s like the Power Metal of the Extreme Metal world to me.

On the somewhat less Symphonic end of the Opera-like spectrum is a Canadian band named The Projectionist. Formed as a side project for Lörd Matzigkeitus of ex-Idolatry fame the band have been extremely active since their inception. They’ve put out an album a year since their formation, along with splits, EPs and even a live album. They’ve put their Nighthag saga from 18/19 to one side now however as they give us a new EP, Under The Cruel Glow Of Terror. Will it be a show to remember, or merely a box office flop?

The EP begins with the twisting guitars of Butterbox Coffins as haunting vocals weave about like a thin mist. It’s pretty bleak and full of despair, especially when the rasped vocals come into the mix. That being said it sort of feels like something is missing. That something barely arrives in the disjointed Pythagorean Deadlocked, I’m all for a bad mix in Black Metal but this is just not working for me, the vocals seem to overpower every aspect of the band. Skeletal Shone The Vengeance Of True Evil is full of mad orchestration (or should that be experimentation) and this is truly unique, noisy and insane, a real turn up for The Projectionist and easily the best track on the EP.

Sadly however it’s back to the whispered output of the bands general production in Tragedy Of Jars. I mean I’ve known Black Metal to be atmospheric or even borderline background music but this is something else! Worst part, it’s over eight minutes! The Howling Ceased continues with similar lack of production, offering nothing new save for perhaps some interesting riffs (when they pop through the mix). The final track All Grace Expunged From The Living isn’t much better either, but it does signal the end of the EP.

Friends of mine will be well accustomed to my love of shoddy production but this is something else entirely. I always try my best to review albums as fairly as possible making room and exposing both errors and achievements. However, this is one of those rare cases where I find it hard to find much in the way of boons. I really enjoyed Skeletal Shone The Vengeance Of True Evil but I just wish the band could have brought more of that Avant-Garde edge to the table in this EP.

(4/10 George Caley)