Admittedly as far as this writer is concerned listening habits are more inclined to shades of black, the darker the better but sometimes a change is necessary. So what exactly are the sounds of green and blue? Well as far… Continue Reading →
If you’ve ever been foolish enough to read more than one review with my name attached here on Ave Noctum, you’ll be aware I’m a big champion of the retro-rock scene, a movement that refuses to go away and provides… Continue Reading →
As I look back at my prior mournfully poor ramblings on this fine site that you are reading, I noticed that it is now at least a decade, yes a DECADE, since I started mentioning the beginnings a “Retro Rock… Continue Reading →
Sat as I am by a keyboard connected to an electronic system undreamed of in my youth that gives me access to all the information in the world I’m likely to need, and being in a position that I’m unlikely… Continue Reading →
In the words of founding member J Frezzato (formerly of Electric Six), Octopus is an underground, psychedelic rock beast which ‘just is’ for lack of a better and more accurate description. It doesn’t ‘conform’ to the millions of sub-genres, nor… Continue Reading →
Greetings fellow retronauts, it’s time to don your flares, drape your finest love beads around your necks, and set sail on the good ship ‘Absolutely’ care of Professor Plum Brandy, The Golden Goose, and The Fireball, a rock power trio… Continue Reading →
A little bit of old school worship at The Underworld on a Sunday night is a perfect way to prepare for a new week. Icelandic power trio, The Vintage Caravan are once again laying waste to these shores and London… Continue Reading →
Back in the mists of time, okay October 2014 to be honest (see Ave Noctum passim), I reviewed Crobot’s first release ‘Something Supernatural’, and revisiting that review, I guess I was less than generous, enjoying it, but not being blown… Continue Reading →
With their eponymous 2013 debut, Beelzefuzz pretty much set the bar for what those who also set sail on the good ship retro rock would have to live up to; an album that was simultaneously cutting edge and timeless, it… Continue Reading →
Retrosexual. How is that not a name yet? It could describe someone of any gender or sexuality who gets their rocks off by living with both bellbottom enclosed ankles in the period between 1968 and 1973. My sweet riff lord… Continue Reading →
It seems that the push for retro rock is continuing unabated, and I am personally looking forward with great anticipation to new releases this year from Blues Pills and Scorpion Child, acts that in years gone by have both ridden… Continue Reading →
There’s been a lot of retro rock, doom rock, occult rock of late (call it what you want) and apart from The Riddles, not many bands have picked up the psychedelic tag. This American band from California really keep the… Continue Reading →
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