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Tag Poland

Baalberith – Manhunt (Godz ov War)

It is described as death-black metal, and it is death-black metal. This is Polish metal and so the atmosphere is dingy and threatening. The music is relentless and uncompromising. The vocals are like subterranean growls. It is harsh. This is… Continue Reading →

Manbryne – Heilsweg: O udręce ciała i tułaczce duszy (Terratur Possessions / Malignant Voices)

I’m not a cinema-goer but I do know who Max von Sydow was. This “pure satanic, death worshipping” album from the Polish black metal band Manbryne is in memory of him. One of the band members plays in Blaze of… Continue Reading →

Nekkrofukk – Mysterious Rituals In The Abyss Of Sabbath & Eternal Celebration Of The Blakk Goat (Putrid Cult)

I blame Horror for me not being as into Black Metal. As a child I gravitated towards B-movies and nasty Horror flicks (probably a bit worrying on reflection). Because of this it would appear that my natural path would lead… Continue Reading →

Batushka – Carju Niebiesnyj (Witching Hour Productions)

So, we are all are more than well aware by now of the infamous split of the original Batushka, and the complicated and complex arguments that have ensued since, but leaving all that aside and concentrating solely on this new… Continue Reading →

Sunnata – Burning In Heaven, Melting On Earth (S/R)

Poland’s Sunnata deliver their fourth long player since their formation back in 2013. More than your straight-ahead doom band, they offer up a more rounded music experience that pulsates and immerses the listener. “Crows” opens the album with slightly psychedelic,… Continue Reading →

Furia – W śnialni (Pagan Records)

I am not professing on being an expert on Furia. I have a few of their albums, which I love and have seen them live when they played London in 2018. It is pretty obvious even with a cursory exploration… Continue Reading →

Damnable – Inperdition (Godz Ov War)

With the reissue of albums showing no signs of ceasing this Polish label has decided to pick up one of their compatriot band’s debut releases that was originally out in 1996 on cassette before being issued on CD in 1998…. Continue Reading →

Cancerfaust – Let The Earth Tremble (Godz Ov War)

Sometimes you to just have to sit back and submerge yourself in an album, just let it flood over you no matter what genre it comes from, which is what I did with this Polish band’s debut full length that… Continue Reading →

Hell-Born – Natas Liah (Odium Records)

They’ve been going since the mid 90’s or so (their “Hell-Born” EP came out in 1996), and while that doesn’t necessarily make them one of the oldest Polish extreme metal outfits, it does perhaps show that they’ve had a career… Continue Reading →

Trup – Ke (Godz Ov War)

A picture can paint a thousand words and this one, the cover of Ke has an incredibly striking one. A figure, possibly in lockdown looks out their window in screaming agony as what I assume is snow or maybe bird-shit… Continue Reading →

Cultum Interitum – Poison of Being (Godz ov War)

Just the usual “ominous and sepulchral hymns to death, destruction, chaos and misanthropy” to savour here. This is in fact the first album from Polish black metal band Cultum Interitum following on from a demo, EP and a single since… Continue Reading →

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