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Tag Poland

Hate – Rugia (Metal Blade)

Polish extreme metal, eh? These days, it’s pretty much synonymous with Behemoth, which – to my mind at least – is a massive shame. There’s been a really great and healthy scene over there for a long time now, and… Continue Reading →

Misanthur – Ephemeris (Season Of Mist)

Although around since 2013 with a couple of demos and a split to their name this is the debut album from Polish duo Misanthur. Helmed by Hellscythe and Draugr they must be doing something right to end up releasing it… Continue Reading →

Wij – Dziwidło (Heavy Medication Records)

As always, when I don’t know anything about a band, I like to start by taking a look at the album cover. It this case, it’s all black with drawings in thin white lines. Two centipedes are forming a circle… Continue Reading →

Sznur – Dom Człowieka (Godz Ov War)

This is raw Polish black metal, the band’s third release and for those looking for technicality, look somewhere else. Based on my experience with their back catalogue, I was fully expecting what we have here. ‘Czuję zapach Twojej cipy’ (‘I… Continue Reading →

Labyrinth Entrance – Deplore The Vanity (Godz Ov War)

If you are standing at the entrance to a labyrinth, you are no doubt expecting that there is a good chance of getting lost as you go in and start to explore. That’s part of the fun unless you are… Continue Reading →

Jarun – Rok Spokojnego Słońca (Godz ov War)

“Rok Spokojnego Słońca” (The Year of the Quiet Sun) is the fourth album from black metallers Jarun. But as I was to discover, this is far more than bog standard black metal. The lingering strains of death hang in the… Continue Reading →

Angrrsth – Donikąd (Godz ov War)

This Polish black metal band can be summed up as follows: melodic anger with a wealth of expression. It is not often I delve into this world for reviews, I normally keep this experience personal. However, I found favour with… Continue Reading →

Wilczyca – DrakoNequissime (Godz Ov War)

The Polish she-wolves that are Louve (all instruments) and Nidhogg (vocals) and this time with Vor on drums are back. Having knocked out a couple of releases in 2020 they are working fast and hard to bring us more music… Continue Reading →

Obsidian Mantra – Minds Led Astray (S/R)

I’m not sure exactly what blackgroove death metal is, but here was my chance to find out. Obsidian Mantra are from Poland. Formed in 2014, this is their second album release. The atmosphere is dark. No great surprise there, then…. Continue Reading →

Hore – Siostry Wiedźmy (Witching Hour Productions)

This debut album by Polish band Hore is characterised as post-black metal, avant-garde jazz and film music. True to their label, the title means “The Witch Sisters”. The album starts in heavy sombre tones. The atmosphere is funereal, save the… Continue Reading →

Witchfuck – Black Blood Baptism (Godz Ov War)

This delightfully named collective from Poland have their debut album upon us, following a trio of split releases and a debut EP. I must admit, I’ve been looking out for this one to be released. Yes, it is disgusting rock… Continue Reading →

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