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Tag Poland

Drunk Thrasher – Raining Vomit (Godz Ov War)

It appears that one of Poland’s premier extreme metal labels has decided to pick up this EP for a further push as originally it was released as a four tracker in 2022. This latest version comes with the said EP… Continue Reading →

Zørza – IEI (S/R)

All that came with this EP was the minimalist description “Poland Post Black”. The cd itself comes with lyrics, the last of which on the opening track “Death I” read: “The coldness pervades me for the one last time, your… Continue Reading →

Sacrofuck – Święta Krew (Godz ov War)

This is death metal from Poland, and the band’s called Sacrofuck, so little is left to the imagination. How many times am I going to write the word “harsh”? Before I get on to the album “Święta Krew”, which translates… Continue Reading →

Paranoia Inducta – Blood Electric (Heerwegen Tod Production)

This was a welcome arrival and I have a new ‘chill out’ album to go to here and make a change from all the noisy metal stuff. It’s a bit ironic really that it comes from a Polish musician who… Continue Reading →

Hauntologist – Hollow (No Solace)

Debut album time, but side project time too. This time by Darkside (Mgla) and The Fall (Mgla live, Owls Woods Graves) and guess what? I’m practically alone amongst my black metal aficionados by not being a Mgla fan, for a… Continue Reading →

Gash Faith & Larmo – Social Skills (Howl Chain Records)

Yes, it sounds strange title wise and it is musically too. Here we have a meeting of minds between two Polish entities both of whom have experimentation and sound-sculpturing foremost in their thoughts. On the one hand we have Noise… Continue Reading →

Zmarłym – Ziemie jałowe (Godz Ov War)

Time to polish up the Polish once more as we take on this band from the picturesque looking (well at least on an image search) Końskie, Świętokrzyskie region of the country. The band name appears to translate to The Deceased… Continue Reading →

Cultum Interitum – Sacrum Funeral (Godz ov War)

I don’t know if it’s me and the failing eyesight process, or just the winter dark, but the purple on black script meant that I couldn’t read any of the lyrics or information on any of this otherwise nicely packaged… Continue Reading →

Absque Cor – Na zawsze cieniem… (Godz Ov War)

Vos, the man “without a heart” from Poland is back with his second album, the title of which seems to translate to “Forever A Shadow.” The silhouetted entity caught attention with debut album Wędrówkę haniebnie zakończyć a long five years… Continue Reading →

Blues for Neighbors – Funeral Piles and Gallows (Road Rat Records)

Having narrowly missed out on reviewing Wayfarer’s recent well-received American Gothic, I figured I was overdue for a bit of dark Americana, and here it is, in the form of Blues for Neighbors, all the way from erm, Poland. Yeah,… Continue Reading →

November Might Be Fine – All (S/R)

This came as a double album I and II so there’s a lot to go at. The titles of these instrumental pieces are succinct: Hope – Dreams – Sorrow – All – Fear – Grief – None – Truth –… Continue Reading →

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