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Tag Ofermod

Hyl – Where Emptiness Is All (Odium Records)

When I listened to the sample to Where Emptiness Is All, I was so intrigued I think I responded to the call out within 5 minutes. Now, over a month later, I’m still dragging my feet over concluding a review… Continue Reading →

Ofermod – Mysterium Iniquitatis (Shadow Records)

Once upon a time I would only really care for Black Metal in the winter. Then again when I refer to such instances I was a teenager, living at home, travelling to gigs on my own etc and because of… Continue Reading →

Serpent Noir – Death Clan OD (World Terror Committee)

An atmospheric guitar piece opens ‘Death Clan OD’ with ‘The Black Knighthood Of OD’ before Serpent Noir launch a full-on attack on the senses. ‘Cutting The Umbilical Cord Of Hel’ is a brutal affair and leads with battering fretwork and… Continue Reading →

Teitanblood – The Baneful Choir (Norma Evangelium Diaboli)

Teitanblood isn’t a band that I knew about before listening to this, but having looked them up, I can see that they have been in existence for more than 15 years, have released three albums, some EPs and splits including… Continue Reading →

Sykelig Englen – Hagall (AHPN Records)

Would it be strange to say that you have to be in the mood for DSBM? I don’t necessarily mean I want to be sad when I’m listening to it I just mean that sometimes its drab tones don’t always… Continue Reading →

Ofermod – Sol Nox (Shadow Records)

Well over a decade or so ago, Ofermod were much discussed in hushed, whispered tones throughout the underground. Their ‘Mysterion Tes Anomias’ EP had been doing the circuit for some time and – highly regarded piece of art as it… Continue Reading →

Dysangelium – Thanatos Askesis (World Terror Committee)

Dysanglium exploded onto my radar earlier this year with the release of their punishing ‘Leviaxxis’ demo which was distributed by World Terror Committee. The young Germans delivered three tracks of punishing blasphemic spite that demonstrated a knack for concise composition… Continue Reading →

Reverorum Ib Malacht – De Mysteris Dom Christi (Ajna Offensive)

OK, confession time – I listen to most of my music on my Ipod when travelling around. As much as I’d love to spend hours each evening huddled in front of my vinyl player with the lights dimmed, absorbing every… Continue Reading →

Mortuus – Grape of the Vine (Ajna Offensive)

This has certainly been a long time coming. Back in 2007 and at the height of the orthodox ‘for Him’ renaissance of truly Satanic black metal, this obscure Swedish duo released their debut ‘De Contemplanda Morte: De Reverencie Laboribus Ac… Continue Reading →

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