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Tag Korpiklaani

Korpiklaani – Rankarumpu (Nuclear Blast)

Back in the mists of time, in March 2008, I got sent an album to review, from a band I knew of, but didn’t know very much about at the time. I’m not even sure exactly where I was writing… Continue Reading →

Dun Ringill – Where The Old Gods Play Act 1 (The Sign Records)

Quick question: what’s better than discovering a new band that have a lot in common with one of your favourite bands? Answer: discovering a new band that has a lot in common with at least two of your favourite bands,… Continue Reading →

Heathen Foray – Oathbreaker (Massacre)

I do love bands who tell you exactly who and what they are without any pithering about, and well, if Heathen Foray aren’t the one of the best examples I’ve come across in years. The first track of Oathbreaker, which… Continue Reading →

Icestorm – The Northern Crusades (Blood Fire Death)

“At the end of the twelfth century, in the city of Acre, one of the most powerful cavalry military orders the world had ever seen was born…” Thus begins the Prologue to Rex Regi Rebellis the first track of The… Continue Reading →

Verikalpa – Tunturihauta (Scarlet Records)

Verikalpa had been an integral part of the Scandinavian Pagan/Folk Metal scene for a good ten years before their debut finally arrived in 2018 – now there’s no stopping them! We had another instalment in 2020 and already, right here… Continue Reading →

Coronary – Sinbad (Cruz Del Sur)

This band came to me initially via their split with Traveler and an online music platform. This is their first full length release.  The band have been quoted as refusing to re-invent the heavy metal wheel and fuse tried and… Continue Reading →

Korpiklaani – Jylhä (Nuclear Blast)

January 2021, trapped once more in lockdown, short days, cold wet weather, surely one way to try to raise the spirits would be with a new Korpiklaani album? A bit of unbridled up-tempo folk metal to raise the January mood,… Continue Reading →

Ensiferum – Thalassic (Metal Blade)

Branded as Epic Folk Metal, Ensiferum’s journey has indeed been epic. And it gets more epic with every album – as time dictates it should. The band are the embodiment of epic, their music, lyrics, image – all epic, and… Continue Reading →

Cemican – In Ohtli Teoyohtica In Miquiztli (M Theory Audio)

Ancient civilisations such as Mayans and Incas are fertile breeding ground for bands to explore and do something a bit different musically incorporating both traditional sounding elements and narrative into their music. Unsurprisingly there are no shortage of Aztecs either… Continue Reading →

Korpiklaani – Kulkija (Nuclear Blast)

I’m sure the band won’t take it as an insult if I state that people know what to expect from a Korpiklaani album. It’s part of their appeal, a following based around their own unique brand of Folk Metal. And… Continue Reading →

Civil War – The Last Full Measure (Napalm Records)

It’s the third album from Sabaton refugees Civil War (What? At least I didn’t call them “Sabaton 2.0”, “Sabaton Lite” or “Diet Sabaton” as I’ve seen them referred to by other, harsher reviewers!). So let’s get that out of the… Continue Reading →

Finsterforst – YOLO (Napalm)

When is a covers EP not a covers EP? When it’s two EPs really stretching over forty minutes and without a Moonsorrow epic in sight. One part is original songs, one of ‘pop’ covers (half of which I’ve never even… Continue Reading →

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