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Tag Colombia

Cercenatory – Goresphere (Comatose Music)

The ever reliable Comatose Music, where you can practically gorge on a diet of weekly brutal death releases, each offering their own nuances in a scene that goes from strength to strength. I’ve attended plenty of slam death events, including… Continue Reading →

Graveyard Winds – Assault to the Coffin (Fallen Temple)

A debut EP release from Medellin in Colombia. ‘Assault to the Coffin’ is Death Metal quartet Graveyard Wind’s first foray into the savage world of both horror and existentialism! Featuring four tracks and opening with mournful gusty tones and strong… Continue Reading →

Imperial Execration – Commanding Satan’s Crusades (Comatose Music)

A very quick debut album from a Colombian trio who have relocated to London. So quick in fact that at twenty-one minutes I’d be tempted to call it an EP. Imperial Execration and their three members are originally from Bogata… Continue Reading →

Ixtlahuac – Teyacaniltizli Nahualli (Nuclear War Now! Productions)

The title translates as “Sorcerer’s Guide” and amid grandiose claims and an explanation that this album revolves around the histories of indigenous pre-colonial life in Mesoamerica, I learnt that black and death metal-influenced work is about war, sacrifice and ritual…. Continue Reading →

Luz: The Flower Of Evil – Juan Diego Escobar Alzate (Fractured Visions)

Prepare to be transported to another world, one portrayed by a feast of visual imagery. We are in a verdant and lush paradise in the Colombian mountains. There are forested regions and stunning dioramas including a magnificent waterfall flowing into… Continue Reading →

Daemoni – Black Tyrant (Goathorned Productions)

Black Metal’s worldwide appeal has touched all four corners of the world, to many I feel that the genre represents a voice. It was the genre that gave birth to the elite movement separating the ‘trve’ from the ‘false’. Long… Continue Reading →

Lucifera – La Caceria De Brujas (Dunkelheit Produktionen)

Thrash Metal is pretty much the key to all things Metal as far as I can see it. That isn’t to say that anything prior meant nothing but what I mean is that Thrash really opened the door. We may… Continue Reading →

Sol De Sangre / Panico Al Miedo – La Senda de la Muerte (War Anthem Records)

Here’s a little gem. This is a split EP featuring two tracks by  both Colombian Death Metallers Sol De Sangre and Spanish Death-Thrashers Panico Al Miedo with both bands picking a couple of their favourite choice cuts from death metal… Continue Reading →

Axe Steeler – On the Run (Iron Shield Records)

Columbia’s Axe Steeler plays their own brand of Teutonic heavy metal (by their own description), akin to the European scene mixing elements of the UK’s own Toledo Steel and the US band Savage Master. Essentially, this release does exactly what… Continue Reading →

Guerra Total – El Armageddon Continua (I Hate)

Now I have probably been snoozing, but a black metal tinged thrash band on I Hate struck me as a little unusual, Columbian or otherwise. Still, here we are. Guerra Total are, in the nicest possible way, a primitive thrash… Continue Reading →

Witchtrap – Vengeance Is My Name (Hell’s Headbangers)

Well, it’s been six long years since Witchtrap’s previous strike, 2006’s much-praised No Anesthesia, and now finally this lot of English-grammar-loathers have returned. For those unfamiliar with Witchtrap, they’re a Medellínese (Colombian) black/thrash outfit, leaning further away from the ‘black’… Continue Reading →

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