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Tag Archgoat

Ruin Lust – Dissimulant (20 Buck Spin)

There probably couldn’t have been a more appropriate album to review for Ave Noctum than this which is my 666th album review for the site. This is the second time I’ve reviewed a Ruin Lust album with the first being… Continue Reading →

Theotoxin – Fragment: Totenruhe (AOP Records)

Ever since I got my hands on a copy of 2020’s Fragment: Erhabenheit I have been hooked on this Austrian black metal horde so I jumped at the chance to review the latest spawn from these black arts purveyors, Theotoxin…. Continue Reading →

Blood Chalice – The Blasphemous Psalms Of Cannibalism (Werewolf Records)

Finland’s Blood Chalice have absolutely no subtleties whatsoever, you’ve only to listen the band’s debut ‘Sepulchral Chants Of Self-Destruction’, released in 2017, to realise that. Their unhinged savagery tears you apart and continues with this sophomore album with a promo… Continue Reading →

Invultation – Wolfstrap (Fallen Temple)

Must be a full-moon. We just recovered from a savage mauling by Australian band Werewolves and now we have more lycanthropic rage from Columbus Ohio. Invultation is apparently the practice of making and using effigies of people for magical purposes… Continue Reading →

Hellfire Deathcult – Al Nombre De La Muerte (Helter Skelter / Regain)

Lingering around the review list and casting a filthy miasma this US based power trio were crying out ‘In The Name Of Death’ for some coverage. Noting that they are described as playing a form of ‘blackgrind’ ala war metal… Continue Reading →

Archgoat – All Christianity Ends (Debemur Morti)

Opening track, ‘Ascension Towards The Promethean Fire’, begins with the bells tolling and then launches into raw demonic dirty black metal. It is calculated and measured and is as polished as it is maniacal and vile. The vocals from Lord… Continue Reading →

Albums Of The Year 2021

Pete Woods (Editor) – Top 20  2021 the new normal? If its bastard predecessor was summed up by the word “despair” this one would have been “uncertainty” and we are far from back to what can be considered normal with… Continue Reading →

Archgoat – Worship The Eternal Darkness (Debemur Morti)

Deranged and agonising murmurs flood the ‘Intro’ before the album takes off with ‘Heavens Ablaze’. A full-on assault of raw and technical black metal. The screams and roars from Lord Angelslayer are demonical and possessed and the speed which emanates… Continue Reading →

Kommando Baphomet – Blood Gospels Of Satanic Inquisition (Godz Ov War)

Often times I think that if I had a shred of musical talent or indeed had any intention of playing music then I would front a War Metal band. I can’t think of anything more visceral than the Blackened Death… Continue Reading →

Venereal Baptism – Repugnant Coronation Of The Beast (Osmose)

Fancy a syphilitic shower at gonorrhoea gulch courtesy of Venereal Baptism? They deserve a clap for their name but that’s something this Texan duo already have. STD’s are no laughing matter and nor are these purveyors of filth actually, they… Continue Reading →

Antichrist Siege Machine – Schism Perpetration (Krucyator Productions / Stygian Black Hand)

Is cave dwelling troglodyte metal a sub genre? Well if you like listening to what sounds like being clubbed over the head continuously for half an hour by primitive man who have yet to discover fire let alone musical instruments… Continue Reading →

Inferno Festival Day Four – Oslo Rockefeller and John Dee 21/4/19

The final day of a festival is always bittersweet with a whole day of great bands left, but also knowing that when it is done, it is back to the grind of normal life. However, I was determined to enjoy… Continue Reading →

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