It appears that one of Poland’s premier extreme metal labels has decided to pick up this EP for a further push as originally it was released as a four tracker in 2022. This latest version comes with the said EP… Continue Reading →
Before we get started, I’d just like to take a moment to appreciate what an absolute belter of an album title we have here. All of the age-old stereotypes (that are generally unfair, but also not necessarily inaccurate) about how… Continue Reading →
What do we have here? A place, dimly lit, with plastic flowers, vacant, spiritual pictures on its walls, odd-coloured carpets and even odder personnel. An old-fashioned American funeral parlour. How did we get here? Well, the intro of the album… Continue Reading →
I’m always a sucker for “improvised electronic ambient sonicscapes” which is how this album is described. There are bands called Eventide from the USA and Sweden, but this one is a recent offshoot of the French progressive death doom band… Continue Reading →
The return of Stygian Crown has come just at the right time. Their 2020 album, “Stygian Crown” saw them obtain my second best record of 2020, and I’ve been waiting for an excellent epic doom album since the last Thronehammer… Continue Reading →
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