So if you’ve never heard of them and find not even an entry on Metal Archives and wonder what Season Of mist are doing releasing it… well, yes, it’s that thing which in black metal circles shall never be called a ‘supergroup’. So we’ll keep it that way and not give you a band by band role-call beyond it being a project raised by LRH of many first class Finnish black metal bands and includes luminaries Spellgoth, Infection, Wraath and Vexd as partners in crime.

‘Hymn Of Rebellion’ is a slow, atmospheric and bass heavy opening with a magical, cold melody intertwined. Then we get the razor sharp riff and the rumbling, speeding thunder of the drums and within seconds you can feel the quality not just of the musicianship but the song-writing. The vocals bark with anger and authority, the refrain strangely reminding me of that lone, classic Twilight Of The Gods album in its defiant nature. It is just effortlessly imperious and still raw enough to sink your teeth into. Damn. ‘Dead Eden’ is even more virulent and direct; the blizzard like riff ploughing on through any obstacles. The production here I find particularly suitable, keeping the fire and the dense sound without too much studio slickness but far from lo-fi (not that I don’t mind a good bit of lo-fi blasting you understand) and Spellgoth really turns in a superb performance.

‘Ethereal Constriction’, ‘Ashes Of Men’ and ‘Unification’ all hold up the quality here. This is relentless black metal, full of anger and intent and wrapped in hard, vicious melodies. It’s kind of a joy to sit back and just let these masters of the craft howl in your face. The use of clean and harsh vocals against each other in the latter is particularly effective, bringing drama to the violence in a way that does not undercut the assault. ‘Lunacy And Horror’ is all storm and turbulence with a driving riff that just skirts the punkish edge some black metal revels in. ‘Under The Dead Sky’ is a classic blast with a strong Finnish feel to the way the riff becomes the melody and makes the hairs on your arm itch. ‘The Queen Of The Red Streams’ allows some acoustic picking to peek in briefly before the utter rage of the vocals rips it all asunder. It’s a damned spectacular ending indeed.

So any complaints? Well I’d have loved a lyric sheet as some of what I pick up sounds fascinating and there just feels like a running theme somehow. But yeah, that’s literally the only nit-picking.

Musically this is unpretentious but utterly magnificent black metal in the hands of true lords of the genre. It doesn’t overly reek of any of their other bands and yet has that real Finnish feel in it’s belligerent, icy veins. Best of all it has bloody, clawing songs and a feral appetite to rip your throat out with joy.

Truly excellent

(8.5/10 Gizmo)