There is a track that Brian Posehn released last year called “Grandpa Metal” that pokes fun at his mate Scott Ian of Anthrax and S.O.D. fame (as if I felt I needed to into Scott “Not” Ian). If there is one genre that makes me feel like an old man it is Brutal (surely that s Brooooootal) Death Metal. My son in law schooled me in the genre and its beer swigging cousin Slam a couple of years ago and I found that I dug some of the gnarly riffs and pig squeals. Once in a while I shrug off my doom blanket and black metal shawl and accept a slice of vile nastiness that the kids seem to love and settle down to review.

Perveration that name – c’mon now, does it mean being perforated by a pervert- hey there you I’m a gonna perverate you with my massive willy hole punch!  Ah – calm down Grandpa metal!

Perveration are from Indonesia and are a two-piece comprising of Jossick on guttural outpourings and Sahrul Ramadhan on all instruments. Both these gents are part of a myriad of other brutal bands including Anthropophagus Depravity and Innocent Decomposure.  These kids have balls of steel to play this kinda music with these kinda names in Indonesia!

Anyhoo Perversion in Manifest Disease is their first release together and is of course on Comatose Records – where else could possibly be home to this delightful filth?

What made me happy is the drums are analogue – sure they sound triggered – nearly as triggered as I feel reading some of the track titles, but Sahrul can thump them skins with vigour.  Sure, the production is a little thin here but then this is about brutality and being underground so the fact that it sounds like it was recorded in a blood and faeces spattered basement is part of the appeal.

The bass rumbles through every track taking me back to Will Rahmer’s four string punishment in Mortician. In fact, it is the bass that appeals to me most on the album. It is so very dirty, and paired with the low growl/gargle squeals of Jossick there is some quality sickness happening here. Unfortunately, despite being able to hit his skins with passion the drumming is a little lacking in places. A couple of times I was distracted by the drums which seemed to slip into another time zone when I was just getting into the groove with “Covid- 69“and “Inoculate Rotten Maggots”.

Perveration play one dimensional Brutal Death Metal – there are some time changes but the slower sludgier parts never stay around long enough to get into the groove as Ms Ciccone once sang, although the end of Preserved Agony would get the mash potato dancers out even for the few seconds it lasts.  I gotta say the dances of BDM and Slam fascinate me – the Potato Masher, the Hammer and the Axe shiver – which I think looks like the sharking sign we used to make as teens when a mate was trying to chat up a girl.

This album is fun but I feel like a tourist getting off a coach to watch local villagers perform a traditional dance for tips before I get back on ready for the next experience.  I best get back to me Werthers originals, crocheted blanket and Eyehategod album!

(6/10  Matt Mason)