“This album….is something that even the top of the class Mike Oldfield was not able to achieve through decades of work”; wow! That little quote was from the blurb that was slipped into the CD case with my promotional copy… Continue Reading →
Firstly, if you expect the cold climes of Northern Europe to produce nothing but corpse-painted, Lucifer worshipping, blood dripping screamers, apparently a result of lack of sun, Seasonal Affected Disorder, and Norse mythology, then Sammal are not for you. If,… Continue Reading →
If you’re a prog rock fan and you’ve never heard about Legend, it might be somewhat understandable, since their name isn’t referred that often over rock’s most reputed and trustworthy news sources. However, if you consider yourself to be an avid… Continue Reading →
As with other releases on the retrogressive Inverse records, you’d be totally forgiven for thinking this was a re-release of some forgotten gem, an obscure 70’s rock band whose back catalogue had recently been unearthed, rescued from some long-buried time… Continue Reading →
Progressive rock is one of those genres that metal fans tend to either love or loathe; some find it way too self-indulgent, lengthy and unnecessarily complex, whereas others love the over-the-top , overwhelming musical structures, and the sheer creativity and… Continue Reading →
With a title like “Lava and Honey”, an intriguing mix is promised. There is a suggestion of quirkiness. On offer is a band quoting Yes and Genesis as influences, and amongst its members a female singer Ellie Blythe who is… Continue Reading →
Barren Earth are both a fairly new but also familiar sounding group whose fronds dig deep into the frozen soil of Finland and comprise members of many well known acts from the land synonymous with atmospheric doom and gloomy… Continue Reading →
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