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Tag Windswept

Precambrian – Tectonics (Primitive Reaction)

Kaboom! That, the sound of the thunderous volcanic explosion that gives birth to the magnificent geode! As Martin Prince once said, he also urged that his geode must be acknowledged. Alas my love of the Simpsons should probably be reserved… Continue Reading →

Rattenfänger – Geisslerlieder (Dark Essence Records)

I absolutely loved this Ukrainian band’s debut release, “Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum”, enough to get the vinyl and a shirt a few years ago or so when I heard it. The band maybe Ukrainian (with members of Drudkh at the helm)… Continue Reading →

Drudkh – A Few Lines in Archaic Ukrainian (Season of Mist)

Let’s be clear from the outset, this is not a “new” Drudkh album,  rather it is a compendium of Ukrainian black metal poetry pieces which have previously been released across three split EPs. As such, the material will probably be… Continue Reading →

Windswept – The Onlooker (Season Of Mist)

Despite my love for all things Drudkh flavoured, I must confess to not initially being overly enamoured with Windswepts debut album in 2017. The project was conceived by Roman Saenko and his Drudkh/ex-Hate Forest companions as a way of re-capturing… Continue Reading →

Drudkh – They Often See Dreams About The Spring (Season Of Mist)

There was apparently a bit of s scrum to get this review, and I was the lucky winner. but before I begin, let’s address the elephant in the room…..I am often told that I shouldn’t listen to Drudkh as they… Continue Reading →

Windswept – The Great Cold Steppe (Season of Mist)

Windswept represents yet another outlet for the prolific mind behind some of the most renowned acts to have emerged from Ukraine over the last fifteen years (Hate Forest, Drudkh, Blood of Kingu) – one Roman Saenko – to engage in… Continue Reading →

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