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Tag Watain

IMHOTEP – Issue 12 (Cult Never Dies)

Not to be confused with IHOP but equally something to lovingly gorge on, IMHOTEP is a highly regarded Norwegian webzine focussing on in depth articles about the important artists within the extreme metal scene. It has been inactive for a… Continue Reading →

Vimur – The Timeless Everpresent (Avantgarde Music)

Vimur has been on my radar for quite some time though I must admit I’ve not really given them the attention they probably deserve, but this will now change after listening to their fourth magnificent slab of melodic black metal…. Continue Reading →

Necrowretch – Swords Of Dajjal (Season Of Mist)

Is a necro(w)retch the sound made by someone who has consumed too much corpse-flesh? Possibly, as considering three different writers have tackled their albums in the past, none of them have surprisingly come back for seconds. These ghoulish Gaul’s have… Continue Reading →

Bright & Black – The Album (S/R)

I like to play music loud, especially music that I have to review. Why? Because the release’s character will reveal itself much faster this way. If the album is good, it will sound even better played at high volume, if… Continue Reading →

Watain – Die In Fire – Live In Hell (Agony And Ecstasy Over Stockholm) (Nuclear Blast

Live albums always divide opinion with the naysayers questioning the need for a rehash of songs already available on studio albums whereas proponents cite a live album as a record of a band’s zeitgeist, a testament to where a band… Continue Reading →

Malphas – Flesh, Blood And Cosmic Storms (Folter Records)

It’s only been just over a year since this black horde dropped second album Divinity’s Fall so it’s still nice and rotting in the memory. That doesn’t stop a highly enjoyable refresher course of it for purposes of compare and… Continue Reading →

Inferno Festival – Rockefeller, John Dee Oslo, Norway 8/3/23

Many of the festival goers were bleary eyed on Saturday morning either due to the fire alarm causing an evacuation of the hotel at 3am, or still being out partying at that time! I grabbed a coffee and then headed… Continue Reading →

Xalpen – The Curse Of Kwányep (Black Lodge)

It’s off to South America and Santiago Chile to be exact. Here we find dark practitioners Xalpen raising a blackened storm and invoking “undead magik of the Ancient Shamans, for the glory of the Dark Gods of Chaos!” There’s plenty… Continue Reading →

Mystic Circle – Erzdämon (Fireflash Records)

These German diabolists have had a long running career stretching right back to 1992 but there have been many deviations down the left hand path disrupting their Infernal Satanic Verses. With a revolving door line up seeing almost 20 musicians… Continue Reading →

Power From Hell – Shadows Devouring Light (Debemur Morti)

My favourite thing about Metal is when Metal references Metal and I can only assume that this is the case with Power From Hell. Whom if they haven’t plied their name from the Onslaught album of the same name then… Continue Reading →

Watain, Abbath, Tribulation and Bolzer – London Troxy 30/9/22

Considering the amount of venues left in the centre of London it’s no surprise that shows are moving to the outskirts of the city. Tonight, we find ourselves in Limehouse East London at the rather magnificent Troxy. This venue has… Continue Reading →

Malphas – Divinity’s Fall (Folter Records)

So Malphas is the name of a demon, I guessed it had some sort of relevance as there are a fair few bands sporting said moniker. None of them are from Sweden but one of them is Swiss and if… Continue Reading →

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