A collective of renowned musicians from the west coast of Norway have brought to life a new sonic entity, creating music on the crossroads of the band members’ individual paths. Whispering Void is the name they gave themselves. Nordic Ambient… Continue Reading →
Kalandra are one of those bands that everyone seems to have heard of, not least through high profile support slots with the likes of Wardruna, Leprous and A.A.Williams, and of course the band’s cover of ‘Helvegen’. They have also played… Continue Reading →
Wardruna are a project that exist in my peripheral vision. On a quick search through my Plex account on my phone I have just one album Runaljod- Yggdrasil and I have a vague recollection of enjoying it but evidently not… Continue Reading →
In a world where every musical subgenre has seemingly been explored, exploited and exhausted, it is unusual and refreshing to come across something which is unique and pushes the boundaries further, and yet that is what Drott have managed to… Continue Reading →
In recent years there has been a proliferation of interest in Nordic Mythology and associated neofolk with names such as Wardruna, Heilung and Danheim now being well established in alternative music circles. Vévaki will undoubtedly be joining that list in… Continue Reading →
Thanks to the Vikings show and its various copycats, the world has familiarized itself with certain aspects of Norse culture and history to a degree unseen before. The popularization of Viking-themed shows served as a big catalyst for selling everything… Continue Reading →
Thursday morning was restful and saw me taking a stroll around the burial mounds, soaking up the atmosphere before Vargvrede opened the music for me in the Gildehallen. I was familiar with their studio work and I had always been impressed, not… Continue Reading →
The key to understanding Heilung and their music is the tag the band have assigned to themselves – amplified history. Since their beginnings in 2015, the ritual collective, the latter being another self-coined label, have been aiming at bringing the… Continue Reading →
Genres are dumb. The idea that you need to be able to fit music into hyper specific categories is stupid and it ultimately makes the listening experience worse. While that is what I believe, it is also my excuse to… Continue Reading →
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