As you know I adore the gore, but there’s more to me than that. A good summary of my relationship Death Metal actually would be the book Rotting Ways To Misery: The History Of Finnish Death Metal. Many of the… Continue Reading →
Just recently I have been questioned many a time on the subject of trve Metal, what does it mean? How can you explain it? And so forth. So here and now I aim to explain my definition, in one comedic… Continue Reading →
Back in the day, as in the 1980s, when extreme metal was placing its boots firmly into the metal scene bands like Abysmal Lord would have been snapped up by yours truly as something violent and oozing a blackened septic… Continue Reading →
Deathhammer could have been spawned back in 1985, their fast aggressive version of thrash is a breath of fresh in a sometimes complacent wider appealing thrash genre. What sets these guys apart is their ease of delivery; their music is… Continue Reading →
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