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Tag Völuspá

Kati Ran – SÁLA (Svart)

Every so often, one of the many albums I get sent to review presents me with a challenge. Sometimes it’s an expected challenge, like how do I categorise this particular example of genre roulette accurately enough to review it, and… Continue Reading →

Midgardsblot Metal Festival – Borre, Norway 17/8/23 – Day 2

  My second day at Midgardsblot began with a walk along the wooded edge of the beautiful Oslofjord and around Borre Park, contemplating the historical significance of the area and soaking up its heritage. Despite plenty of people milling around,… Continue Reading →

Midgardsblot Festival – Borre, Vestfold, Norway 18/8/22

Thursday morning was restful and saw me taking a stroll around the burial mounds, soaking up the atmosphere before Vargvrede opened the music for me in the Gildehallen. I was familiar with their studio work and I had always been impressed, not… Continue Reading →

Midgardsblot Metal Festival – Borre, Vestfold, Norway 16/8/19

Day 2 Friday  After the dowsing of rain the previous evening I was hoping for a drier clearer day but still packed up the waterproofs as I wasn’t going to tempt fate. With the bands not starting until mid-afternoon it… Continue Reading →

Burzum – Umskiptar (Byleobog Productions)

Since Varg Vikernes regained his freedom there has been a veritable flurry of activity from him. With plenty of time to formulate his ideas and reflect upon what he wanted to do but was constrained against doing due to obvious… Continue Reading →

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