Hailing from the Catalan heartlands of Spain, Blackened Thrash merchants Körgull The Exterminator are all about that initial thrash sound. Taking their name from a Voivod track and citing influences such as Venom, Voivod, Slayer, Kreator, Posessed, Destruction and Sodom… Continue Reading →
Back when this tour was announced I will admit I got a tad excited about it. Obituary and Napalm Death, two of my favourite live acts on the same bill, some good no nonsense thrash in the form of Voivod… Continue Reading →
This was going to be a slow gig to start as most people are only really interested in the headliner and the supports are not exactly well known or a particular draw to the average Voivod thrasher. This meant that… Continue Reading →
It was a time of great jubilation when Amebix arose once more from the ashes in 2008. Those of us in the know remembering their might from the cold war, crust punk days saluted them and many others were quick… Continue Reading →
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