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Tag Violin

Lörd Matzigkeitus – Drown (Moribund)

You’re probably not really interested in my personal life but here goes. Outside of reviewing for the wonderful Ave Noctum I also co-host a show on TotalRock called Dark Tryal (check it out). On there me and my friend the… Continue Reading →

SubRosa – For This We Fought the Battle of Ages (Profound Lore)

If you have even the slightest of interest in modern doom metal and its accompanying sub-genres, then it’s unlikely that SubRosa will have escaped your notice. The mystical quintet hail from Salt Lake City, Utah and, unusually, boast two highly… Continue Reading →

Mons Veneris – Sibilando com o Mestre Negro (Altare Productions)

I didn’t realise Portugal had its own ‘black circle’ of like-minded artists but apparently it does. Personally I find the whole thing a bit of a schoolboy kvlt clique and don’t take much notices of such collectives but as far… Continue Reading →

Mourning Mist – S/T (Forever Plagued Records)

Something a bit different here from this Italian act helmed by bassist Kvasir of Abhor and Profezia infamy. Rather than doing everything himself he has on this project roped in a violinist going by the name of Ecnerual to temper… Continue Reading →

Spectral Lore / Nachtreich– The Quivering Lights (Bindrune)

After giving Spectral Lore’s album ‘III’ the top spot in my end of year rankings for 2014, I was, as you might expect, pretty bloody delighted to hear recently that they were planning to release a split at some point… Continue Reading →

BattleroaR – Blood Of Legends (Cruz Del Sur)

Greek metal outfit BattleroaR (apparently that last capital R is important…) are one of those bands I’ve been aware of for years but save for a fleeting listen a long time ago have never properly crossed my path. So here… Continue Reading →

Profezia – Oracolo Suicida (Moribund)

There isn’t a massive amount of information about on Profezia, they’re far too kvlt for that. However, what I have managed to cobble together is that it’s mainly the project of Kvasir (also of Italians Abhor) these days, although in… Continue Reading →

My Dying Bride – Turn Loose the Swans (Peaceville)

I remember hearing this for the first time 20 years ago and immediately falling in love with “Sear Me MCMXCIII” and “Black God” and needing to get a copy of the album. Now back in South Africa in the late… Continue Reading →

Wolvserpent – Perigaea Antahkarnah (Relapse)

Some big words from Relapse on the latest release from this US-based duo here, Wolvserpent’s compositions apparently ‘gracefully wend their way through the valleys of death, drone, black metal, doom and chamber music and arrive triumphantly on foreign shores… to… Continue Reading →

Mythery – The Awakening of the Beast (Mighty Music)

Progressive metal – in this case with a definite rock edge – is a road into the hinterlands of heavy metal that can demand a certain amount of perseverance. There are plenty of bands that pull it off fantastically: Aryeon,… Continue Reading →

Lycanthia – Oligarchy (Hypnotic Dirge)

The touch of romantic, atmospheric doom spreads far and is not synonymous with the cold rain cobbled streets of Yorkshire even if its frozen fronds spread from there. In fact I am sure the climate could not be much further… Continue Reading →

Athelstan – The Ride (Seven Kingdoms)

With his brother Wulfstan, Athelstan is one half of the terminally underrated English “Anglo-Saxon metal” band Forefather who quietly ply their trade drawing exclusively on the Anglo Saxon period of England’s history. At first a solo album from a duo… Continue Reading →

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