Enough of all that noisy stuff, time to step back and soothe the savage breast. What better way to do so than immerse yourself in some tranquil Nordic folk? Time to shut the world outside away and get back to… Continue Reading →
It’s been 3 years, but finally following the success of their debut EP “A Queendom To Come”, Swedish Retro-rockers Spiral Skies present their first full-length album. It was certainly well worth the wait as it is a veritable cornucopia of… Continue Reading →
I confess that I know very little (please wait for me to finish my sentence before agreeing…) about Vinsta. It appears to be pretty much a solo project by multi-instrumentalist Christian Höll and Vinsta’s facebook page has some really great… Continue Reading →
There’s no messing around with twiddly, whimsical intros for Dutch Pagan Metallers Heidevolk. Nope, opening track ‘Winter Woede’ piles straight in there, brimming with their own special brand of Tyr-tinged, Ensiferum-edged Viking Metal that they have been crafting and honing… Continue Reading →
When we spoke to Cornelius about plans for a new album the follow up to 2010 release ‘Norrøn livskunst’ he told us “I’m not going to tell you anything about the album! I can give you the title, ‘Kosmopolis’ with… Continue Reading →
Vintersorg, the man, the vocalist and multi-instrumentalist, has contributed to more than 25 albums since 1994, encompassing many different styles of Metal. His past and present bands include Otyg, Fission, Waterclime, Havayoth and Cronian, but is probably best known for… Continue Reading →
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