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Tag Venom

Friends of Hell – Friends of Hell (Rise Above)

Taz Danozoglou has a great pedigree and it surprised me that he seemed to be musically quiet for so long. Obviously he is known as a renowned tattooist and his time in Electric Wizard but I really really dug Satan’s Wrath whose “Galloping Blasphemy“… Continue Reading →

Midnight – Let There Be Witchery (Metal Blade)

Midnight is the dark offspring of one man – Athenar from Cleveland Ohio.  Over the last 19 years he has been combining speed metal, D-Beat and Black Metal into a hellish hybrid that has kept many a metal head and punk happy. Let There Be Witchery… Continue Reading →

Archvile King – À la ruine (LADLO)

A debut album from this revolting, regal French musician going by the name of Baurus. His debut EP ‘Vile’ of a couple of years ago may have passed you by but if not, you would no doubt have been struck… Continue Reading →

Blood Sport – Hot Blood & Cold Steel (Gates of Hell)

This is a debut release from Finland (there are other bands of the band name), that’s raw and heralds the early North East England NWoBHM scene in approach and production. Take a pinch of Avenger (perhaps a nod to the… Continue Reading →

Necrofier – Prophecies of Eternal Darkness (Season of Mist)

Picked from the review pile essentially because I thought the name sounded cool, I later learned that Necrofier are an American Black Metal band, from Houston, Texas no less. It is fair to say that I was surprised by this… Continue Reading →

Hellsword – Cold Is The Grave (Emanzipation Productions)

I often think that Black Thrash or Metalpunk styles are literally caricatures of the Metal scene. They are exactly what non-Metal fans picture, the spikes, the leather, Satan, fast, sloppy, aggressive and covered in corpsepaint. To be honest this is… Continue Reading →

Wij – Dziwidło (Heavy Medication Records)

As always, when I don’t know anything about a band, I like to start by taking a look at the album cover. It this case, it’s all black with drawings in thin white lines. Two centipedes are forming a circle… Continue Reading →

Hellcrash – Krvcifix Invertor (Dying Victims Productions)

This is a debut release from SpeedSlayerVenom worshipping Hellcrash from Italy. Originally this came out on another label in February, Dying Victims bring you the vinyl and digital assault. Of course, evil is everywhere, its natural based on the name,… Continue Reading →

MNHG – Mundare (Immortal Frost Productions)

Germans MNHG are a new band –starting in the plague year 2020 and playing an old style of filth ridden Black and Roll. Fans of Sarke are gonna wanna swim in the cesspool of this quartet. By now it seems repetitive to describe Black and… Continue Reading →

Hulder – Godslastering Hymns of a Forlorn Peasantry (Iron Bonehead)

Black Metal continues to innovate and excite in the Snoring Twenties. Bands like Oranssi Pazuzu, Akhyls and Havukruunu released albums in 2020 that mixed post metal, prog, folk and evil Blackness, whilst making me have to correct my spelling every… Continue Reading →

Dread Sovereign – Alchemical Warfare (Metal Blade Records)

So, as a bit of a heads up, this is the first time I had heard of Dread Sovereign, being a three piece out of Dublin Ireland, formed by Primordial’s own A.A. Nemtheanga back in 2011 ish. Now, I’m a… Continue Reading →

Dispyt – Under Tiden Jag Sålde Min Själ Till Satan (Immortal Frost)

What a filthy way to start 2021. Dispyt released this album in December but I put back listening to it until now to allow it to kick the last dregs of sluggishness from my post yule being. This three piece burst forth from Pietersaari in Finland in… Continue Reading →

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