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Tag Vangelis

Svarta Stugan – EP3 Aspects Of Our Future Lives (S/R)

As the title suggests this is the third EP in a series from Swedes Svarta Stugan following on from a self-titled debut and second release ‘A Mutation And A Madness.’ They describe it as being inspired by the likes of… Continue Reading →

Echo Us – II:XI A Priori Memoriae (Dust On The Tracks)

“This album….is something that even the top of the class Mike Oldfield was not able to achieve through decades of work”; wow!  That little quote was from the blurb that was slipped into the CD case with my promotional copy… Continue Reading →

Zodiac – Sonic Child (Napalm)

After my last encounter with laid back rockers Zodiac ( ) it’s probably a fair question as to why I’m here again. We’ll the answer is in the criticisms I made last time, about the too clinical/perfect approach and the… Continue Reading →

Wolves In The Throne Room – Celestite (Artemisia)

As fans we have a deep but usually distant relationship with the bands we love. We care and we hope and we revel in their art and the emotions they stir inside us. But on occasions, in some respects, we… Continue Reading →

Secrets Of The Sky – To Sail Black Waters (Kolony Records)

Most debut albums tend to be rough-and-ready and recorded in a day by the lead singer’s dodgy Uncle Frank who happens to own a beat-up old eight-track. Well, perhaps not quite that punk, but they do usually veer towards being… Continue Reading →

Pagan Altar – The Time Lord (Shadow Kingdom Records)

OK, this is a little difficult to review. For a starter it dates back to 1978, and had been around on vinyl via a couple of labels since 2004. For another reason; to NWOBHM aficionados it is a rock solid… Continue Reading →

AtomA – Skylight (Napalm Records)

Imagine if you will, a time where Planet Earth has become inhospitable. Not a massive leap is it? Quite frankly I’ve been looking for another planet that would sustain life ever since some bright spark decided to allow Simon Cowell… Continue Reading →

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