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Tag UK

Mythra – Still Burning (High Roller)

North East NWOBHM band Mythra’s comeback a couple of years ago with shows at Newcastle’s Brofest and Germany’s Keep It True festival certainly ignited a flame. With an official anthology released recently by Skol Records (others have been released without… Continue Reading →

Craven Idol – The Shackles of Mammon (Dark Descent)

It’s getting increasingly hard to imagine that 2013’s Towards Eschaton was Craven Idol’s first full-length, and what a debut that was. It wasn’t that the combination of death, black and thrash metal was so original but the way the band… Continue Reading →

Phlefonyaar – Septic, Bitter and Hardbitten (S/R)

Phlefonyaar pronounced “flef-on-yar , are a two piece blues doom sludge combo from your worst dreams and your most exciting nightmares. I don’t know where in the UK these guys are from but I think they were deposited from their mother’s wretched… Continue Reading →

Coltsblood – Ascending Into Shimmering Darkness (Candlelight)

There is clearly something afoot in the Coltsblood camp, just from looking at the cover of this long awaited follow up to 2014’s Into The Unfathomable Abyss. That debut was a remarkable tomb of blackened sludge and Celtic Frost dragged… Continue Reading →

Skyclad – Forward Into The Past (Listenable)

It was a day of Skycladian surprises when this one arrived for review the other day. There’s the ever-recurring disbelief I have when I see how many years a band have been going whose debut I went out and bought… Continue Reading →

Cloven Hoof – Who Mourns For The Morning Star (High Roller)

Cloven Hoof have worked hard over the last 12-13 years re-affirming their place as legendary having been a part of the original NWOBHM movement. All classic material is well revered, having reformed and released a couple of releases in 2006… Continue Reading →

Asira – Efference (S/R)

By the time I’d got to the second track of this album, I could see why this album was touted as being for fans of Anathema, Ulver, Opeth and Alcest. This is achieved by the abrupt changeover between the first… Continue Reading →

Krysthla – Peace In Our Time (Initiate Audio)

The debut album by this Wellingborough based mob ‘A War Of Souls And Desires’ was a vicious S.O.B. make no mistake. Similarly when they tore things up at Bloodstock Festival in the Sophie Tent getting a pit full of ugly… Continue Reading →

Memoriam- For The Fallen (Nuclear Blast)

…So, it’s finally arrived. I honestly can’t remember quite when I last looked forwards to an album this much. As a huge Bolt Thrower fan, I was left feeling pretty low when the war-obsessed crew decided to call it a… Continue Reading →

My Silent Wake – Invitation To Imperfection (Opa Loka)

It’s always good to be reminded that my reputation amongst my less musically anal retentive friends for having an encyclopaedic knowledge of metal is not really deserved. Case in point being doom band My Silent Wake, as to the best… Continue Reading →

Alunah – Solennial (Svart)

For over a decade now, Alunah has remained one of the UK’s consistently finest purveyors of superb Doom, albeit having had assorted labels such as the very niche “female fronted occult rock” tag that was beloved of so many reviewers…. Continue Reading →

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