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Tag UK

The Medea Project – S/T (S/R)

Not to be confused with the theatrical group for incarcerated women, that’s not to be said that their namesake, The Medea Project as a band, do not show a certain thespian flair. Having been around for some time with many… Continue Reading →

Kassad – Faces Turn Away (Hypnotic Dirge)

At last some proper grown up black metal from the UK. No clown-shoes and corpse paint in evidence here and it’s a welcome relief as I seem to have been hearing too much of that sort of stuff lately. It’s… Continue Reading →

LeadRobot – ST (S/R)

Groove Metal four piece LeadRobot from Leeds are rather heavy. With clever use of samples, a massive sound, heavy as hell tone and some thundering work from the rhythm section, the four components of the band really pull no punches… Continue Reading →

Prospekt – The Illuminated Sky (Laser’s Edge)

Formed in Oxford back in 2008, Prospekt are a five piece progressive metal band with a wide range of influences to their sound, most notably titans of the genre in the form of Dream Theater, Symphony X and Circus Maximus…. Continue Reading →

Formicarius – Black Mass Ritual (Schwarzdorn Productions)

Formicarius were first embraced by the Black metal world when they released their initial majestic, dark, symphonic single, namely “lake of the dead”. Since then they have formulated and finalised a full length offering, “Black Mass Ritual”, which is due… Continue Reading →

Temple Of Lies – The Serial Killer Suite (Attic Records)

Hot on the heels of 2016’s “From Sands”, Temple Of Lies have wasted no time in taking advantage of the creative juices that have been flowing. Indeed, “The Serial Killer Suite” finds these Leicester lads in quite rude health. I… Continue Reading →

Shadowflag – The Delusion Machine (S/R)

Gloucestershire based UKBM band Shadowflag are new to me although they have released two independent albums prior to this one and seem to be playing some pretty good shows including the upcoming Carpathian Alliance Festival in The Ukraine and The… Continue Reading →

Beggar – Chainscraper (S/R)

This lot from the SW of England but now based in London obviously like the EP format as they have been steadily releasing them once a year for the last 4 as well as building up interest with live shows… Continue Reading →

Anathema – The Optimist (KScope)

All hail optimism? Well in times of negativity it’s something that seems rare but do not despair entirely as although musically Anathema, as is well documented, are a long way from musical origins, narratively their lyrical themes are still to… Continue Reading →

Khost – Governance (Cold Spring)

Noise mangling duo Khost seem to be on a roll at the moment. They are playing no shortage of shows which is where I first unsuspectingly caught them and this is their sixth release since 2014. Last encountered being deconstructed… Continue Reading →

Fellwarden – Oathbearer (Eisenwald)

Fellwarden is the solo project of The Watcher from Fen (ably supported by Fen drummer Havenless) and whilst you should not necessarily think too long on the relationship between solo projects and a musician’s main band I think here a… Continue Reading →

Barrabus – S/T (Undergroove)

Well it’s been a while since last confronting the dulcet tones of Paul Catten. In fact if memory serves it was Damnation Festival 2011 when he last screamed at me via A Man Called Catten with songs from favourite beat… Continue Reading →

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