Time to get crushed by the wheels of industrial and there are not many that run you over quite so nastily. In fact Concrete Lung are likely to get in reverse and go back and forth over your corpse, doing… Continue Reading →
I’ll be the first to admit that I only gave this a listen because it features a track with Karl Willetts on vocals. But I am certainly glad that I did, as the concept album that is ‘We Are The… Continue Reading →
Old crustbags never die, it just smells like it. Ah yes Antisect, the original squat the lot Anarcho punks have a hell of a history behind them which stretches right back to 1982 and has somehow resisted and existed and… Continue Reading →
‘Overland’ is the eighth full-length release from electronic duo Necro Deathmort, and their first on Profound Lore. The pairing have kept themselves busy over the last decade; as well as creating their own dynamic layers of sound, they have produced… Continue Reading →
UK thrashers from the land of six toes (Norwich) Shrapnel are a band who are on the rise. With a few EP’s out already and one full length which came out in 2014, along with some tours, supporting the likes… Continue Reading →
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