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Hamerex – The Abyss Vol 1 (IX Music)

Yorkshire’s Hamerex pulled out the big guns for their last release ‘Traitor’, now with a new line up, the band are set to release a trio of EP’s this year, the first being presented here simply titled Vol. 1. It’s… Continue Reading →

Napalm Death – Coded Smears and Other Uncommon Slurs (Century Media)

Look, let’s not waste anyone’s time here: you all know who Napalm Death are, and if – by any chance you don’t, well, then there’s frankly no hope for you by now. To say Napalm Death are an institution is… Continue Reading →

Godthrymm – A Grand Reclamation (Transcending Records)

Supergroups aren’t a new idea, but are they always a good idea? A vast number of highly creative individuals crammed into one space with influences and styles running amok may sound like a recipe for success but it can potentially… Continue Reading →

Winterfylleth – The Hallowing Of Heirdom (Candlelight)

This album is one of those conundrums, a work that initially is both unexpected and yet such an obvious one too when just a moment of thought is given to it. But still, again, somehow surprising that they actually went… Continue Reading →

Misanthropic Existence – Death Shall Be Served (Aesthetic Death)

I understand that this album is a re-release on the basis that the original had limited exposure, as is the way when bands on a limited budget can only do so much. Now released through the Aesthetic Death label and… Continue Reading →

Foul Body Autopsy – This Machine Kills Zombies (S/R)

Okay so it’s no real secret that Death Metal and Horror go hand in hand, if anything I would probably blame Horror for my addiction to this bloodsoaked genre, and vice versa. As my interest in Death Metal subject matter… Continue Reading →

Memoriam – The Silent Vigil (Nuclear Blast)

It was quite a thing for Memoriam, comprised of course of members and ex-members of British Death Metal royalty, Bolt Thrower and Benediction, to have produced their excellent debut album, “For the Fallen” back in 2017, less than a year… Continue Reading →

Desert Storm – Sentinels (APF Records)

Once upon a time I arrived in London from the Antipodes and frequented a pub known as The Unicorn and happened upon an Oxfordshire band called Desert Storm. Happy man with mind suitably blown…the end. Not quite. Where would this… Continue Reading →

Eliminator – Last Horizon (Dissonance)

So here it is, finally, their debut album. Having witnessed various line ups and investing in previous releases, the first full length album from Eliminator is upon us. This is perhaps their strongest line up to date too, and if… Continue Reading →

Solstice – White Horse Hill (Invictus)

Twenty years. Twenty. Years. Two decades since the classic epic doom sounds of New Dark Age first graced us, and legends Solstice were only actually inactive for five of those. Since then the band have gigged, written, road tested, rewritten,… Continue Reading →

The Osiris Club – The Wine-Dark Sea (Indie)

It’s easy to write about an album that’s really good. It’s also easy to write about an album that’s really bad. It’s not so easy to write about an album that’s somewhere in the middle. The Wine-Dark Sea by London’s… Continue Reading →

Black Moth – Anatomical Venus (Candlelight Records)

Black Moth is a band that I’m glad to say I’ve been following for a good long while, seeing at shows as far apart as when they played with Uncle Acid and the Shovell lads in 2014 in Glasgow, to… Continue Reading →

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