For me, hardcore is one of those styles that whilst crude on the surface is not uniform and has a lot to offer. It would be too posh to call it a genre. Anger and energy stand at the centre…. Continue Reading →
In the world of the badger faced extreme metallers, there seems to be a competition to have the most indecipherable logo, doubtless to match their equally indecipherable hell screamed lyrics. Enter the world of the Iommi worshipping Doom community, and… Continue Reading →
As a local lad I’m not sure how I’ve managed to miss this Leeds bunch and their misanthropic excretions, but this is something I need to rectify in the near future as this EP puts them up there as a… Continue Reading →
What has Heavy Metal become, as in real Heavy Metal. In some instances it has gone down the path of the ultra trve following the trails blazed by the likes of Tokyo Blade, Tygers Of Pan Tang and Praying Mantis…. Continue Reading →
Straight outta Preston we have a gang of horror show freaks here who have been causing a bit of a stir. People in the know have mentioned Evil Blizzard to me in the past and told me I should check… Continue Reading →
North-west UK based trio Bodies On Everest are an intriguing group. With a name related to the highest graveyard in the world, it will come as no surprise that both the musical content and delivery lies on the doomier side… Continue Reading →
It’s 2018 and in short order the majority of the mainstream folks I work with have been variously excited by the FA cup final, a royal wedding, the forthcoming Steps and Aqua show in Dundee (I shit you not folks!),… Continue Reading →
Given the kind of music that my own band plays, I’m surprised that I’ve never checked out Limb before. It seems like I’ve been missing out on something very special, certainly if this third L.P. is anything to go by…. Continue Reading →
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