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Tag Turkey

Zifir – Kingdom Of Nothingness (Duplicate)

I have no idea what being a black metal band in Turkey is like, but if you believe news I suspect it must be increasingly difficult. Two piece Zifir though (Onur Onok and Nursuz respectively) have been doing this for… Continue Reading →

Persecutory – Towards the Ultimate Extinction (Godz ov War)

The band name and album title give no doubt that this is a blackened death death work. The band in question is from Turkey and this is their first full album release following an EP “Perversion Feeds Our Force” in… Continue Reading →

Engulfed – Engulfed In Obscurity (Hellthrasher Productions)

This Turkish death metal band features members of Burial Invocation and Decaying Purity and play a dirty form of death metal akin to Incantation, Funerus and Funebrarum. At times things verge into blackened styles with some of the haunting riffs… Continue Reading →

Grotesque Ceremonium – Demonic Inquisition (Satanath)

This is a one man (Batu Çetin) project from Turkey, its old sounding death metal with a heavy bass presence which I find similar to the early DM scene, from all quarters of the world. For that I am thinking… Continue Reading →

Baskin – Can Evrenol (Vertigo Films)

Turkish horror films, you don’t get many of them to the pound, certainly not as far as those that get picked up by the international market are concerned. The country is known for making their own ‘copies’ of well-known big… Continue Reading →

Sabhankra – Seers Memoir (Haarbn)

This Russian label may not release stacks of stuff but the bands they do seem to find always have an interesting quality about them and come from places that you would not always associate metal music with. The other album… Continue Reading →

Decimation – Reign Of Ungodly Creation (Comatose Music)

Sometimes this reviewing lark can be a bit dull, another brutal tech death band I thought. This’ll be a load of impossible to remember blasting / pig squealing tripe I thought. A few listens later though and I realised brutal… Continue Reading →

Pitch Black Process – Hand of God? (Sliptrick Records)

If an Argentinian band had released “Hand of God?”, I’d have sensed irony. Pitch Black Process, formerly known as Affliction and in existence since 1999, are in fact from Turkey but with Swedish connections, notably Niclas Engelin of In Flames… Continue Reading →

Valefor – Hidden In The Arms Of Death (Sabbathid Records)

This album, Valefor’s second full length, has been out a while, but as is the way with things it has only just made its way through the Ave Noctum gates. Being as it’s a one man Turkish depressive black metal… Continue Reading →

Moribund Oblivion – Manevi (Dust on the Tracks)

“Turkish Black Metal” is what’s advertised on the sleeve of my copy of this album. “Manevi” is the fifth album by this band from Istanbul. “Manevi” translates as “spiritual” or “ghostly” and I’d say it’s the atmospheric sections which are… Continue Reading →

Cult of Erinyes / Zifir – Split (Tanquam Aegri Somnia)

I’ve always had a lot of musical joy from split albums, I very rarely feel disappointed with them. In a way I guess it’s the fact you’re getting two EPs for the price of one, and especially when filled with… Continue Reading →

Yayla – Nihiahayat (Merdumgiriz)

Yes indeed looking at those random meaningless words you are hardly expected to have a clue what this is all about. What we have though is a one man black metal project helmed by Emil Togrul from Turkey, whom we… Continue Reading →

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