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Tag Thyrfing

Fredlös – Fredlös (Threeman)

Doing a search on members of this Dark Nordic folk sextet along with the fact that no real info is provided about them largely drew a blank. However, the name Alex Hellid was an obvious one being founding member of… Continue Reading →

Thyrfing – Vanagandr (Despotz Records)

Anyone that dismisses Viking metal as risible has obviously never heard Thyrfing. Heavy as granite and as animated as an English monastery the day the dragon ships arrive on the nearby shore, these Swedes combine some very recognisable pagan metal… Continue Reading →

Moonsorrow – Jumalten Aika (Century Media)

Let me start by being completely upfront. This is Moonsorrow’s best album for more than a decade. Perhaps even one of their best yet. It’s a melting pot of all that has gone before and if you’re not hooked in… Continue Reading →

Blot – Ilddyrking (S/R)

Sometimes the simple names are the best but no, a closer look unveils that Blot is actually Sacrifice in olde heathen Scandinavian. Considering this and the fact that the cover of this Norwegian outfit’s debut has a long-ship on it… Continue Reading →

Finsterforst – Mach Dich Frei (Napalm)

Had anyone feared that Freiburg’s Finsterforst might have opted for a radical departure from the winning formula of their last album Rastlos, rest easy. Not only is that atmospheric pagan metal sound still fully intact, this might as well be… Continue Reading →

Portal – For All That Is Damned To Vanish (Vic)

Before you get all excited, this is not the demented Aussies with a new album, this is the Swedish version of Portal on their second album and is some 13 years since their debut in 2001. This band has Matthias… Continue Reading →

Finsterforst – Rastlos (Napalm Records)

Finally. Some folk-infused metal with iron running through its veins. I mean, imagine we’re walking through the dark pagan forest with nothing at our sides but sharpened blades, surrounded by enemies who want to take our wives and sell our… Continue Reading →

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