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Tag Thrash

Iron Angel – Emerald Eyes (Mighty Music)

Classic German thrash/speed metal for you here. Most should know of this band and they have a pretty well respected history. For this latest effort, only their fourth full length release, they have continued with more of the thrash style… Continue Reading →

Evoke – Seeds Of Death (Pulverised Records)

Formed from the ashes of Nuclear Genocide, Oslo speed/thrash trio Evoke have been firing off their high octane 80’s inspired metal since 2016’s two demo’s ‘Souls Of The Night’ and ‘Rehellshall’. Now, stepping up once again, their debut full length… Continue Reading →

Thirteenth Sign – The Ashes of a Treacherous Silence (S/R)

The first thing I read about this album is that the band defined Queensryche’s 1988 album “Operation: Mindcrime” as the thematic inspiration for it. The second was that Thirteenth Sign are a melodic death / thrash band, with possible appeal… Continue Reading →

Hexx – Entangled in Sin (High Roller)

This is a follow up to their comeback record ‘Wrath of the Reaper’. Traditionally Hexx are SF Bay Area Power Metal and delved into technical thrash/death with 91’s ‘Morbid Reality’. Their ‘Wrath of the Reaper’ comeback back more traditional US… Continue Reading →

Demolizer – Thrashmageddon (Mighty Music)

I have had a slew of top quality thrash albums in the last couple of months or so such as the Scars (Brazil), Mosh-Pit Justice (Bulgaria), Annexation (Germany) plus the awesome latest effort by Solitary (UK) and we can now… Continue Reading →

Plague Years – Circle of Darkness (eOne)

Straight off the bat I need to acknowledge prejudice. Plague Years are from Detroit the much-maligned city in Michigan that helped birth punk and metal and brought us Motown. I have family in Detroit and go there often. I have… Continue Reading →

Messiah – Fracmont (High Roller)

Well, this is a nice surprise. Switzerland gave us some pretty extreme metal in the 80’s, Messiah were very much a part of that with their death/thrash combo. In itself at the time, there wasn’t so much of this style… Continue Reading →

Elimination – Of Gods And Beasts (S/R)

Ipswich thrashers Elimination have charged back onto the UK Metal scene with a new line up for their latest release, the 6-track Ep “Of Gods And Beasts”, a release which features 3 studio recordings and 3 live tracks. For some… Continue Reading →

Toxik Death – Sepulchral Demons (High Roller Records)

Seventeen years since their inception Toxik Death are releasing their second album following 2014’s Speed Metal Hell. Their music is certainly a lot quicker and aggressive than their output! Although this five-piece are from Norway their sound has quite a bit of neighbours Sweden in it. Amidst the blackened thrash… Continue Reading →

Shrapnel Storm – Shrapnel Storm (Great Dane Records)

War! What is it good for? Not a lot really, other than perhaps music. I mean is war the love song of the Metal or even Punk world? I would say so. It’s a topic that is covered time and… Continue Reading →

Onslaught – Generation Antichrist (AFM)

I think we often times neglect genres which we enjoy, which is strange. For example I love a bit of Thrash but I never tend to binge it, nor have I ever considered myself a massive fan despite the fact… Continue Reading →

Anaxagor – Anaxagor (Great Dane)

Bordeaux based 5 piece Anaxagor started out in 2017 and they play a hard hitting brand of Thrash and Death Metal, two genres which have a lot of synergy with each other but are often difficult to mix in the… Continue Reading →

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